Lesson Plan | Teachy Methodology | World War I: Background
Keywords | World War I, Backgrounds, History, Digital Methodology, Active Methodology, Debate, Interactivity, Instagram, Zoom, Virtual Treasure Hunt, Engagement, Critical Thinking, Research, Argumentation, Oratory, Collaboration |
Required Materials | Cell phones with internet access, Computers or tablets with access to Zoom, Fictitious Instagram accounts for each group, QR Codes with links to online resources, Google Maps, Slide presentations, YouTube videos, Historical articles and images, Shared documents for 360° feedback |
Duration: 10 - 15 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to introduce students to the historical context of World War I, providing a solid foundation of knowledge about the backgrounds that led to the conflict. The focus is on ensuring that students understand the complex and interconnected factors that culminated in the war, as well as encouraging them to think critically about these historical events.
Main Objectives
1. Understand the political, economic, and social backgrounds that led to World War I.
2. Identify the main events and conflicts that marked the pre-war period.
Side Objectives
- Analyze the impact of these backgrounds on the different nations involved.
Duration: 15 - 20 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to warm up students for the topic, encouraging them to use digital tools to discover information autonomously and actively. By sharing their findings, students begin to make connections between previously studied concepts and the content that will be deepened during the class. This also prepares the ground for an initial debate, stimulating critical thinking from the beginning of the lesson.
Warming Up
Today's topic is World War I, a conflict that profoundly shaped modern history. To deepen our understanding, let's start with a quick and interactive activity. Instruct students to use their cell phones to search for an interesting fact about the backgrounds of World War I. It can be an event, a character, or an economic or social context. Give them 5 minutes for this search and ask them to share their discoveries with the class.
Initial Reflections
1. What were the main political factors that contributed to the start of World War I?
2. How did the economic situation of European countries influence the outbreak of the conflict?
3. What military alliances were formed before the war, and how did they affect the start of the conflict?
4. What social and cultural events contributed to the increase of tensions between nations?
5. How did the rivalry between European powers influence the path to war?
Duration: 70 - 80 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to provide students with a practical and dynamic experience that allows them to apply the knowledge acquired creatively and collaboratively. The proposed activities encourage the use of modern digital tools and aim to deepen the understanding of the backgrounds of World War I, making learning more engaging and meaningful.
Activity Suggestions
It is recommended that only one of the suggested activities be carried out
Activity 1 - Interactive Timeline on Instagram
> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes
- Objective: Bring students closer to historical events through a modern digital tool widely used by them, promoting engagement and contextual understanding of the backgrounds of World War I.
- Description: Students will create an interactive timeline using Instagram, representing the main events and characters of the backgrounds of World War I. Each group must create a fictional profile and post images, videos, and stories that represent historical events, treaties, alliances, and political figures of the time. The goal is to turn learning into a visual and interactive experience, allowing students to explore creativity and mastery of social networks.
- Instructions:
Divide the class into groups of no more than 5 people.
Each group should create a fictional Instagram profile, using a creative name that relates to the pre-war period.
Groups should research and select important events and characters from the backgrounds of World War I.
Each event or character must be turned into a post, using images, videos, and explanatory texts.
Groups should create stories to represent smaller or lesser-known events, using resources like polls and questions to engage followers.
In the end, groups present their profiles to the class, explaining their choice of events and characters and how they represented them in the posts.
Activity 2 - Simulated Debate on Zoom
> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes
- Objective: Develop research, argumentation, and oratory skills, in addition to providing a deep understanding of the motivations and actions of the different countries involved in the backgrounds of World War I.
- Description: Students will participate in a simulated debate using the Zoom platform. They will be divided into groups that will represent different countries involved in the backgrounds of World War I. Each group must prepare political, economic, and social arguments to defend their actions and alliances during the period. The activity aims to develop research, argumentation, and oratory skills.
- Instructions:
Divide the class into groups of no more than 5 people, each representing a different country (for example, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Italy).
Each group must research the historical, political, economic, and social backgrounds of their country before the war.
Groups must prepare arguments to defend their country's actions and alliances in the pre-war period.
Using Zoom, organize a debate where each group presents their arguments and responds to questions from other groups.
Encourage groups to use visual resources, such as slide presentations, to support their arguments.
At the end of the debate, conduct a collective reflection on the different viewpoints presented and the complexities of the war's backgrounds.
Activity 3 - Secret Mission: Virtual Treasure Hunt
> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes
- Objective: Promote active research and collaborative learning through a playful and interactive activity, encouraging students to use various technologies to obtain information and solve problems.
- Description: Students will participate in a 'Virtual Treasure Hunt' where they will need to solve riddles and challenges related to the backgrounds of World War I. Using tools like Google Maps, QR codes, and historical websites, they will follow a digital path that will lead them to discover crucial information about the pre-war period.
- Instructions:
Divide the class into groups of no more than 5 people.
Create a shared document with QR codes leading to different websites and online resources related to the backgrounds of World War I.
Each QR code will represent a clue or challenge that the groups need to solve. The clues may include questions, puzzles, or interactive maps.
Groups should use Google Maps to locate historical points and obtain necessary information to solve the challenges.
Encourage groups to use additional digital resources (like YouTube videos, articles, and images) to find answers.
At the end of the activity, gather the groups to discuss their discoveries and reflections on the historical events they investigated.
Group Discussion
Promote a group discussion with all students, where the groups share what they learned while completing the activities. Use the following script to introduce the discussion:
- Introduction: Thank everyone for their participation and briefly explain the importance of sharing what was learned.
- Group Reports: Ask each group to present a summary of their activities, highlighting the main learnings and challenges encountered. Suggest that each group presents for about 3-4 minutes.
- Collective Reflection: After the presentations, open the floor for comments and questions from other students. Encourage the exchange of ideas and reflections on the different approaches and discoveries made.
- Closure: Conclude the discussion by highlighting common points and the different perspectives presented, reinforcing the importance of collaboration and critical thinking in the study of history.
1. What were the most surprising discoveries you made about the backgrounds of World War I? 2. How did the use of digital tools help in understanding historical events? 3. What connections can you make between the backgrounds of World War I and the current political and social situation?
360° Feedback
Conduct a 360° feedback stage where each student must receive feedback from their group colleagues. Guide the class to ensure that the feedback is constructive and respectful, addressing the following points:
- What was done well?: Highlight the positive contributions of each group member.
- What can be improved?: Suggest aspects that can be enhanced in future activities.
- What was the biggest learning?: Share what each group member learned during the activity and how it contributed to the group's success.
To facilitate, provide a simple feedback template that students can follow, ensuring that all criteria are addressed clearly and objectively.
Duration: 10 - 15 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to consolidate learning in an engaging manner, making a direct connection between historical content and the modern reality of students. This helps to anchor knowledge in a meaningful and contextualized way, concluding the class with a reflection on the relevance of the topic.
To conclude with a flourish! Let's revisit the main points addressed in a fun way: Imagine World War I was a big event on Instagram. We had several 'posts' about strategic alliances (who follows whom), a true fashion show of the armies with their 'stories' of uniforms and equipment, and of course, many tense 'comments' between nations. Oh, the drama! Who shined in the feed? Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Italy, all ready for any 'challenge' (or conflict, in this case).
World Connection
In today's world, understanding the backgrounds of World War I helps us comprehend the dynamics of international relations and the complex power plays that still occur. Rivalries and alliances continue to shape our global landscape, now with social networks and digital media as the stage for international debates and negotiations.
Practical Application
Understanding the backgrounds of World War I is essential for interpreting current conflicts and the formation of political and economic blocs. This promotes a critical perspective on political decisions and helps to create more informed citizens prepared to act in a globalized world.