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Lesson plan of What is history?


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What is history?

Lesson Plan | Technical Methodology | What is history?

KeywordsHistory, Science, Human actions, Events, Memory, Culture, Critical reflection, Timeline, Practical skills, Job market
Required MaterialsShort video about a historical event, Projector or TV to display the video, Poster board, Markers, Prints of historical images, Post-its, Sheets of paper, Computer with internet access (for research)


Duration: 15 - 20 minutes

The purpose of this stage is to provide a solid foundation for students to understand what history is and its objects of study. Understanding these concepts is essential for developing practical skills, such as critical analysis and reflection, which are highly valued in the job market. This stage prepares students for subsequent practical activities, where they can apply the knowledge acquired in an interactive and meaningful way.

Main Objectives

1. Understand the concept of history as a science that studies human actions over time.

2. Identify the main objects of study in history, such as events, memory, and culture.

Side Objectives

  1. Establish the relevance of history for understanding the present and the future.
  2. Develop critical analysis skills through reflection on historical events.


Duration: (15 - 20 minutes)


The purpose of this stage is to spark students' interest in the topic by showing the relevance of history in practical contexts and the job market. Furthermore, the initial activity serves to engage students and encourage them to think critically about how historical knowledge is acquired and utilized.



History is like a great journey through time, where we explore the actions, thoughts, and cultures of different people throughout the centuries. Understanding history allows us to comprehend how we arrived at the present and prepares us for the future. For example, studying the Industrial Revolution helps us better understand the foundations of the technological and industrial world we know today.

Curiosities and Market Connection

Curiosities and Connection to the Market:

Did you know that many historians work as consultants on movies and series? They help ensure that productions are historically accurate. Historical tourism companies hire specialists to create itineraries that tell the stories of historical places, attracting tourists and educating the public. History professionals are also essential in museums, where they help preserve cultural memory and educate the public about different periods.

Initial Activity

Initial Activity:

Show a short video (3-5 minutes) about an intriguing historical event, such as the construction of the Egyptian pyramids or the fall of the Roman Empire. After the video, pose the following provocative question: "How do you think historians discovered so many details about this event?" Encourage students to reflect and share their ideas.


Duration: 60 - 70 minutes

The purpose of this stage is to provide students with a practical and interactive understanding of the concepts studied, encouraging the application of acquired knowledge in a creative and meaningful way. The proposed activities aim to develop research, organization, and critical thinking skills, which are fundamental for both the study of history and various areas of the job market.

Covered Topics

  1. What is History?
  2. Objects of study in History: human actions, events, memory, and culture
  3. The importance of History for understanding the present and the future
  4. Historians and their sources: documents, artifacts, oral accounts

Reflections on the Theme

Guide students to reflect on how history influences everyday life and the decisions we make. Ask: 'How can the study of history help us better understand the world we live in today?'. Encourage them to think about concrete examples of how historical events have shaped contemporary society.

Mini Challenge

Building an Interactive Timeline

Students will create an interactive timeline highlighting important historical events, considering different sources of information.


  1. Divide the class into small groups (4-5 students per group).
  2. Distribute materials such as poster board, markers, prints of historical images, and post-its.
  3. Each group should select a historical period (e.g., Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary Age).
  4. Students should research and select at least 5 significant events from that period.
  5. Each group must create a timeline on a poster board, placing the events in chronological order and adding relevant information (date, description of the event, importance).
  6. Encourage students to use post-its to add reflections on how each event may have influenced other historical periods or the present.
  7. After the construction, each group must present their timeline to the class, explaining the selected events and their reflections.

Objective: Develop research, information organization, and presentation skills. Encourage critical thinking about the interconnectedness of historical events.

Duration: 40 - 50 minutes

Evaluation Exercises

  1. Choose a recent historical event (e.g., the fall of the Berlin Wall). Write a brief paragraph explaining how this event could be studied by historians (what sources they would use, what questions they would ask, etc.).
  2. List three ways in which history can influence our daily lives (e.g., political decisions, popular culture, economic systems).
  3. On a separate sheet, write an imaginary letter to a future historian describing a significant current event and explaining why it should be remembered.


Duration: (15 - 20 minutes)

The purpose of this stage is to consolidate students' learning, ensuring they understand the relevance of studying history and how it applies in practical contexts and the job market. The discussion and recap promote critical reflection and help solidify the knowledge acquired during the lesson.


Facilitate an open discussion with students about what they learned during the lesson. Ask: 'What was the most interesting part of the timeline-building activity? Why?' and 'How do you think the historical events we studied influence our lives today?'. Encourage students to reflect on the challenges they encountered during their research and how they overcame those obstacles. Also, discuss the different sources used and the importance of each in constructing historical knowledge.


Summarize the key points addressed during the lesson: the concept of history as a science, the objects of study in history (human actions, events, memory, and culture), and the importance of history for understanding the present and the future. Reinforce how the practical activity of building the timeline helped students better understand these concepts.


Explain to students how the lesson connected theory and practice by allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in the construction of an interactive timeline. Emphasize the importance of skills such as research, information organization, and critical thinking, which are valuable not just for the study of history, but also in various areas of the job market. Conclude by describing how historical knowledge can be applied in everyday life, from understanding current events to making informed decisions.

Iara Tip


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