

200,000+ questions with answers for all subjects and the best entrance exams

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Why are Teachy Question Banks the most complete available ?

Complete platform:

Complete platform:

With more than 200 thousand new questions from renowned sources, the question bank offers a wide variety of resources to enrich the production of your teaching materials.

Custom filters:

Custom filters:

you will find specific questions according to discipline and level of education, in different types of difficulty, within hundreds of pedagogical themes. This way, you can prepare personalized lists in just a few minutes.

Focus on students:

Focus on students:

With Teachy's Question Bank, you guarantee the success of your lessons. We offer high-quality materials, carefully selected and aligned with the National Common Curricular Base, fundamental for any educational product.

Time for what matters:

Time for what matters:

The platform's easy access allows teachers to save time when planning their lessons. The materials are accessed in a few clicks, making pedagogical preparation simple and efficient.

Access Anywhere:

Access Anywhere:

Teachy offers the flexibility of accessing the question bank from anywhere, at any time. With accessibility, teachers have more freedom to manage time and resources, making their work more agile.

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