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Summary of Verbs: Present Perfect Continuous


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Verbs: Present Perfect Continuous


Relevance of the Topic: Present Perfect Continuous

The Present Perfect Continuous, known as Present Perfect Continuous in English, is essential for the precise and effective expression of actions that have occurred over a period of time and are relevant to the present. As one of the twelve verb tenses in English, understanding it is essential for complete language mastery. In practice, this verb tense is often used in conversations and written texts, and lack of knowledge about it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.

Contextualization: Where Does the Present Perfect Continuous Fit?

The Present Perfect Continuous occupies a unique space in the English verb tense system. It is placed between the Present Perfect Simple and the Past Continuous, serving as a bridge between the present and the past. This verb tense is especially useful when describing actions that started in the past and continue to the present, or actions that were recently completed and still have present effects.

With familiarity with this verb tense, we can move on to more advanced concepts, such as the contrast between different perfect tenses and the combination of verb tenses to express complex meanings. Mastery of the Present Perfect Continuous is, therefore, a crucial step in the journey of learning English.

Note: Remember that understanding the theory is only one part of the learning process. Practice is equally important to consolidate knowledge. 'Practice makes perfect,' as they say in English!



  • Welcome to the structure of Present Perfect Continuous: This is a verbal structure formed by the subject + have/has (the present perfect auxiliary) + been (the past participle of the verb to be) + the main verb with the ing ending (denoting continuity). The auxiliary have will be used with I, you, we, and they, while has will be used with he, she, and it.

    • Example: I have been studying English since 2015.
  • Application of the Verb Tense: Use the Present Perfect Continuous for actions that started in the past and continue to the present or for recently completed actions that have present effects.

    • Example: She has been feeling tired because she has been working too much.
  • The Use of 'Since' and 'For': Since and for are two prepositions commonly used with the Present Perfect Continuous to indicate the start of the action.

    • Since is used to indicate the specific moment when the action started in the past.
      • Example: They have been living in New York since 2001.
    • For is used to express how long the action has been in progress.
      • Example: We've been waiting for him for three hours.

Key Terms

  • Present Perfect Continuous: a verb tense that indicates an action or situation that began in the past and continues up to the moment of speaking or a recently completed action with influence on the present.

  • Present Perfect: a verb tense that describes an action that occurred at an unspecified time before the present moment.

  • Progressive Aspect: the progressive aspect in English is used to describe actions that are in progress at the time of speaking.

Examples and Cases

  • Action Continuing to the Present: Use the Present Perfect Continuous to emphasize the duration of an action that started in the past and continues to the present.

    • Example: He has been writing essays all day.
    • In this example, the action of writing essays started at some point in the past and continues to the present moment.
  • Recently Completed Action with Influence on the Present: If a recently completed action has a result or effect in the present moment, the Present Perfect Continuous can be used.

    • Example: They are out of breath because they have been running.
    • In this example, the action of running occurred in the recent past and has a direct effect on the current state of the subjects.

Keywords to memorize: auxiliary have/has, been, main verb in gerund form, since, for.


Key Points

  • Structure of Present Perfect Continuous: This tense is formed by the combination of the subject + have/has + been + the base form of the main verb + ing. The use of have or has depends on the person:
    • I, you, we, they => have
    • he, she, it => has
  • Use of Present Perfect Continuous: This verb tense is used to express actions that started in the past and continue to the present, or actions that happened recently and whose effect is still felt in the present moment.
  • Prepositions with Present Perfect Continuous: Since and for are commonly used to indicate the duration or start of the action. Since is used with a specific moment in the past, while for is used to indicate the duration of the action.


  • Differentiation from Other Verb Tenses: The Present Perfect Continuous is unique as it is used to express continuous actions that started in the past with present implications. This verb tense is important for building a more effective and precise fluency in English.
  • Importance of Prepositions: The prepositions since and for are essential for the correct use of the Present Perfect Continuous, as they allow indicating when the action started or how long it has been occurring.


  1. Forming Sentences: Create five sentences in English using the Present Perfect Continuous. Remember to use different subjects and main verbs.

  2. Identifying the Verb Tense: Read a short paragraph in English and identify which sentences are in the Present Perfect Continuous.

  3. Applying the Prepositions: Use the preposition since in two sentences and the preposition for in two other sentences. Make sure the sentences are correct in the context of the Present Perfect Continuous.

Keywords to memorize: auxiliary have/has, been, main verb in gerund form, since, for.

Iara Tip


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