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Summary of Vocabulary: Scientific Technical Vocabulary


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Vocabulary: Scientific Technical Vocabulary

Mastering Technical-Scientific Vocabulary in English


1. Recognize and use technical-scientific vocabulary in English.

2. Correctly apply technical-scientific vocabulary in practical contexts.

3. Develop reading and comprehension skills for scientific texts in English.

4. Expand linguistic repertoire for better communication in academic and professional contexts.


In today's dynamic and globalized world, fluency in English goes beyond basic communication. Mastery of technical-scientific vocabulary is essential for those who wish to excel in fields such as technology, engineering, medicine, and research. Imagine a scientist trying to publish an international article without adequate knowledge of these terms; effective communication would be impossible. Therefore, understanding and correctly utilizing these terms opens doors to academic and professional opportunities in an increasingly competitive market. For instance, in fields like information technology, technical English is the standard language, facilitating collaboration among professionals from different countries.

Relevance of the Theme

Technical-scientific vocabulary is crucial for academic and professional success in various fields. Multinational companies often require their employees to master these terms to participate in conferences, write reports, and collaborate on international projects. Professionals who command technical English have greater chances of obtaining scholarships, participating in exchanges, and publishing their research in high-impact journals. Therefore, mastering this vocabulary is a valuable skill that opens doors to international opportunities and professional collaborations.

Main technical-scientific terms in English

Technical-scientific terms in English are words and expressions used to describe specific concepts and processes in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and medicine. These terms are essential for accurate and effective communication among professionals and academics at a global level.

  • Importance of precision in scientific communication.

  • Examples of common terms: 'algorithm', 'genome', 'quantum'.

  • Difference between technical vocabulary and everyday vocabulary.

Application of terms in real contexts

The correct use of technical-scientific vocabulary in English is crucial in various practical situations, such as writing scientific articles, presenting at conferences, and collaborating on international projects. The ability to apply these terms in real contexts demonstrates competence and professionalism.

  • Writing scientific articles and reports.

  • Presentations at conferences and seminars.

  • Collaboration on international projects.

Differences between technical vocabulary and everyday vocabulary

Technical-scientific vocabulary differs significantly from everyday vocabulary in terms of specificity and precision. While everyday vocabulary is used for general communication, technical vocabulary is used to describe specialized and detailed concepts in professional and academic contexts.

  • Specificity and precision of technical terms.

  • Contexts of use: professional vs. everyday.

  • Importance of fluency in both types of vocabulary.

Practical Applications

  • Publication of scientific articles in international journals.
  • Participation in global conferences and seminars.
  • Collaboration on research and development projects with professionals from different countries.

Key Terms

  • Algorithm: a set of specific rules or instructions for solving a problem or completing a task.

  • Genome: the complete set of DNA in an organism, including all of its genes.

  • Quantum: a term in physics that describes the smallest amount of a physical property that can exist independently, especially in relation to energy.


  • How can fluency in technical-scientific vocabulary influence your future academic and professional opportunities?

  • What are the biggest challenges in using technical-scientific vocabulary and how can you overcome them?

  • In what ways can you continue to expand your knowledge and use of technical-scientific vocabulary in English?


To Reflect

Throughout this lesson, we explored the importance of technical-scientific vocabulary in English and its application in real contexts. Understanding and correctly using these terms is essential for academic and professional success, especially in scientific and technological fields. Fluency in this vocabulary not only facilitates effective communication in conferences and publications but also opens doors for international collaborations and career opportunities. As you reflect on what you've learned, it's important to recognize the challenges faced and think of ways to continue expanding your knowledge. Remember, continuous practice and practical application of these terms in real situations are key to complete mastery of technical-scientific vocabulary.

Mini Challenge - Applying Technical-Scientific Vocabulary

This mini-challenge aims to solidify the understanding and use of the technical-scientific vocabulary learned in class. You will be challenged to apply the terms in a practical context, simulating a real scientific presentation situation.

  • Choose one of the technical-scientific terms studied during the class.
  • Write a brief paragraph (5-7 lines) explaining the chosen term and its use in a specific context (for example, a research presentation, a technical report, or a conference discussion).
  • Prepare a short presentation (2-3 minutes) where you will explain the term and its use to the class.
  • Present your paragraph to a classmate and receive feedback.
  • Make adjustments based on the feedback and present to the class.
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