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Lesson plan of Area of Shapes


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Area of Shapes

Objectives (5 - 7 minutes)

  1. Understand the concept of area: Students should be able to understand and explain what area is and how it is calculated in different shapes, such as squares, rectangles, and triangles.
  2. Apply area formulas in practical situations: Students should be able to apply the area formulas they have learned to solve practical problems involving geometric shapes.
  3. Develop logical-mathematical reasoning skills: Through solving area problems, students should enhance their ability to think logically and mathematically, thus developing critical and analytical thinking.

Secondary objectives:

  • Promote interaction and collaboration among students: Through group work in problem-solving, students should be encouraged to interact and collaborate with each other, developing social and teamwork skills.
  • Apply learning in everyday situations: Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned about area in everyday situations, realizing the relevance of the content to real life.

Introduction (10 - 15 minutes)

  1. Review of previous content: The teacher should start the lesson by reviewing the concepts of geometric shapes (squares, rectangles, and triangles) and their characteristics (sides, angles, etc.). This can be done through direct questions to the students or through a quick review in the form of a game, such as a quiz or a memory game. (2 - 3 minutes)

  2. Problem scenarios to spark interest: The teacher can then present two problem scenarios to spark students' interest in the lesson topic. For example, "How can we calculate the area of a soccer field?" or "How can we determine the amount of paint needed to paint a wall?", emphasizing the importance of area calculation in real-life situations. (3 - 5 minutes)

  3. Contextualization of the subject's importance: The teacher should then contextualize the importance of area calculation, explaining how this concept is applied in various areas of knowledge and everyday life. For example, in architecture (to determine the internal space of a building), in engineering (to calculate the amount of material needed in a construction), in art (in painting pictures or murals), etc. (2 - 3 minutes)

  4. Introduction of the topic with curiosities: To capture students' attention, the teacher can share some curiosities about area calculation. For example, the curiosity that the Greek mathematician Antiphon was the first to use the term "area" in the 5th century BC, or the curiosity that the largest area of a square that can be constructed on a sphere is only 78.54% of the sphere's area. (2 - 3 minutes)

  5. Lesson objectives: Finally, the teacher should present the learning objectives of the lesson, making clear what is expected of students to be able to do by the end of the lesson. (1 minute)

Development (20 - 25 minutes)

  1. Activity "Building Areas" (10 - 12 minutes)

    • Group division: The teacher should divide the class into groups of 3-4 students and distribute to each group a kit of materials, consisting of grid paper, ruler, scissors, and glue.
    • Activity description: Each group will receive a different task. One group will have to create a square, another a rectangle, and a third a triangle, all with the same area. The fourth group will have to create three different shapes (square, rectangle, and triangle) with different areas, but in such a way that the sum of the areas of the three is equal to the sum of the areas of the shapes created by the first group.
    • Activity execution: Students should discuss in their groups how to perform the task, measuring and cutting the grid paper. They should estimate the area of each shape before cutting and then verify their estimates using the ruler. After completing the activity, they should present their creations to the class, explaining how they arrived at their answers.
    • Discussion and reflection: The teacher should lead a classroom discussion, questioning students about their findings and encouraging them to reflect on the process of creating the shapes and the relationship between shape and area.
  2. Activity "Calculating Areas in Everyday Life" (10 - 12 minutes)

    • Scenario presentation: The teacher should present to students different everyday situations that involve area calculation, such as calculating the area of a room to know how many tiles will be needed to cover the floor, or calculating the area of a terrain to determine the selling price.
    • Activity description: In their groups, students should choose one of the presented situations and calculate the area according to the scenario. They should discuss and plan the problem-solving, identifying the necessary information, the formulas to be used, and the calculation process.
    • Activity execution: Students should perform the calculations and present their solutions to the class. The teacher should guide the discussion, clarify doubts, and highlight the main points of the calculation process.
    • Discussion and reflection: The teacher should lead a classroom discussion, questioning students about their problem-solving strategies and encouraging them to reflect on the application of area calculation in everyday life.
  3. Activity "Area Game" (if time allows) (5 - 7 minutes)

    • Activity description: The teacher should present a simple board game, where students roll a die and advance on a path of squares. Each time a student lands on a square, they must calculate the area of the shape drawn on the square.
    • Activity execution: Students should play the game in their groups, calculating the area of the shapes and advancing on the board. The teacher should circulate around the room, assisting the groups and clarifying doubts.
    • Discussion and reflection: After the game, the teacher should lead a classroom discussion, questioning students about their game strategies and encouraging them to reflect on the importance of area calculation.

At this stage, the teacher should be attentive to assist groups facing difficulties, stimulate the participation of all students, and ensure that the learning objectives of the lesson are achieved.

Return (10 - 12 minutes)

  1. Group Discussion (3 - 4 minutes)

    • The teacher should gather all students and start a group discussion. Each group should share their solutions or conclusions from the "Building Areas" and "Calculating Areas in Everyday Life" activities.
    • The teacher should encourage students to explain their answers and the logic behind them. He should ask probing questions to deepen students' understanding and to correct any misconceptions that may have arisen.
    • The teacher should also highlight the different approaches used by groups to solve the problems and how these approaches demonstrate the practical application of area calculation.
  2. Connection with Theory (3 - 4 minutes)

    • After the discussion, the teacher should review the theoretical concepts presented at the beginning of the lesson and connect them to the activity solutions.
    • For example, the teacher can ask: "How did you use the area formula to create shapes with the same area in the 'Building Areas' activity?" or "How did area calculation help you solve the practical problem in the 'Calculating Areas in Everyday Life' activity?"
    • The teacher should ensure that students see the relevance and practical applicability of the theoretical content presented.
  3. Individual Reflection (2 - 3 minutes)

    • After the connection with theory, the teacher should propose that students reflect individually on what they have learned.
    • The teacher can ask questions like: "What was the most important concept you learned today?" or "What questions have not been answered yet?"
    • Students should be encouraged to think about how they can apply what they have learned in everyday situations and in other academic contexts.
  4. Feedback and Closure (2 - 3 minutes)

    • Finally, the teacher should ask for feedback from students about the lesson. He can ask: "What did you like most about today's lesson?" or "What could we do differently next time to make the lesson even better?"
    • The teacher should thank the students for their participation, reinforce the key concepts of the lesson, and emphasize the importance of area calculation in everyday life and in various areas of knowledge. He should also give a preview of what will be covered in the next lesson.
    • It is important for the teacher to end the lesson on a positive and motivating note, so that students are excited to continue learning about the topic.

Conclusion (3 - 5 minutes)

  1. Summary of key points (1 - 2 minutes)

    • The teacher should summarize the key points of the lesson, recalling the concepts of area and the formulas for calculating the area of squares, rectangles, and triangles.
    • He should also recap the main discoveries and conclusions that students reached during the practical activities, highlighting the importance of area calculation in real-life everyday situations.
  2. Connection of theory, practice, and applications (1 minute)

    • The teacher should reinforce how the lesson connected theory, practice, and applications.
    • For example, he can remind students how they used theoretical formulas to calculate the areas of the shapes they built in the 'Building Areas' activity and to solve practical problems in the 'Calculating Areas in Everyday Life' activity.
  3. Suggestion of additional materials (1 minute)

    • The teacher can suggest some additional materials for students who wish to further deepen their knowledge of area calculation.
    • These materials may include educational videos, math game websites, practice exercises, textbooks, among others.
    • The teacher should encourage students to explore these materials at their own pace and according to their interests.
  4. Relevance of the subject to everyday life (1 minute)

    • Finally, the teacher should reinforce the relevance of area calculation to everyday life.
    • He can remind students that the knowledge acquired in the lesson can be applied in various everyday situations, such as calculating the amount of paint needed to paint a wall, determining the internal space of a building, or calculating the selling price of a terrain.
    • The teacher should emphasize that mathematics is a powerful tool that can help solve practical problems and better understand the world around us.
Iara Tip


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