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Lesson plan of Verbs: Phrasal Verbs


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Verbs: Phrasal Verbs

Objectives (5 - 10 minutes)

  1. Understanding Phrasal Verbs: Students should acquire a clear understanding of what Phrasal Verbs are, recognizing that they are verbal expressions composed of a verb and one or more particles. They should be able to identify the main verbs and the particles that accompany them.

  2. Identification and Use of Phrasal Verbs: Students should be able to identify Phrasal Verbs in reading and listening contexts. Additionally, they should learn to use them correctly in their own written and oral productions.

  3. Construction of Phrasal Verbs: Finally, students should be able to construct their own Phrasal Verbs, applying the knowledge acquired about the formation of these verbal expressions.

    • Secondary Objectives:
      1. Vocabulary Development: The study of Phrasal Verbs will contribute to enriching students' vocabulary, as many Phrasal Verbs have meanings that cannot be deduced from their individual components.
      2. Improvement of Understanding English Texts and Conversations: The ability to identify and understand Phrasal Verbs in reading and listening contexts will contribute to a better overall understanding of English texts and conversations.

Introduction (10 - 15 minutes)

  1. Review of Previous Content: The teacher should start the lesson by briefly reviewing the concepts of verbs and particles, as these are the fundamental components of Phrasal Verbs. This can be done through a quick association game, where students must match verbs with their corresponding particles. This activity will serve to refresh students' memory and prepare them for the new content.

  2. Problem-Solving Scenarios: Next, the teacher should present two problem-solving scenarios that illustrate the importance of Phrasal Verbs. For example:

    • "How would you say in English that you are thinking about giving up on something? And if you wanted to say that a friend of yours suddenly fainted, how would you express that?"

    • "Have you heard the expression 'put up with'? What do you think it means? How would you use it in a conversation?"

    These questions should serve to spark students' interest and show the relevance of Phrasal Verbs in the English language.

  3. Contextualization: The teacher should then contextualize the importance of Phrasal Verbs, highlighting that they are widely used in texts, songs, movies, and everyday conversations. For example, the teacher can show the lyrics of a popular English song that contains several Phrasal Verbs and ask students to try to identify them.

  4. Introduction of the Topic: Finally, the teacher should introduce the topic of the lesson - Phrasal Verbs - explaining that they are very common and useful verbal expressions in English, but can be difficult to learn due to their idiomatic nature. The teacher can then capture students' attention with some curiosities or interesting facts about Phrasal Verbs:

    • "Did you know that there are Phrasal Verbs that have dozens of different meanings? For example, the Phrasal Verb 'get up' can mean 'get out of bed', but also 'awaken', 'go to', 'stand up', and many others."

    • "Another curiosity: not all Phrasal Verbs can be separated. For example, you can say 'I put on my shoes', but you can't say 'I put my shoes on'."

Development (20 - 25 minutes)

  1. Role-Playing Activity (10 - 15 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this activity is for students to practice using Phrasal Verbs in real communication situations. They will be divided into groups of three or four, and each group will receive a role-playing scenario.

    • Description: The teacher should prepare in advance some scenarios involving everyday situations, such as a conversation between friends, a job interview, a visit to the doctor, etc. Each scenario should contain at least five Phrasal Verbs that students learned in the lesson.

    • Execution: Students, in their respective groups, should read the scenario and identify the Phrasal Verbs. Then, they should discuss the best way to use the Phrasal Verbs in their dialogues. Finally, each group should perform their scenario, using the Phrasal Verbs correctly and appropriately. The teacher circulates around the room, observing the performances and providing feedback.

  2. Story Creation Activity (10 - 15 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this activity is for students to practice constructing Phrasal Verbs by creating their own stories. This will allow them to use their creativity and have fun while learning.

    • Description: The teacher should provide students with a list of Phrasal Verbs and ask them, in their respective groups, to create a short story that includes them. The story can be about any subject, as long as all the Phrasal Verbs from the list are used correctly.

    • Execution: Students, in their groups, should choose the Phrasal Verbs they want to use and start building their story. They should write the story on paper, ensuring that the Phrasal Verbs are used correctly. After finishing, each group should read their story aloud to the class. The teacher then reviews the stories, highlighting the Phrasal Verbs and providing feedback.

  3. Treasure Hunt Activity (5 - 10 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this activity is for students to practice identifying Phrasal Verbs in reading contexts. They should be able to find and understand Phrasal Verbs in authentic texts.

    • Description: The teacher should prepare in advance some activity sheets with short texts containing Phrasal Verbs. The texts can be excerpts from newspaper articles, magazines, websites, etc. Each Phrasal Verb should be somehow highlighted.

    • Execution: Students, in their respective groups, should receive an activity sheet and, using a dictionary if necessary, identify the Phrasal Verbs and write what they think they mean. Then, the teacher reveals the correct answers, and students correct their activities. The teacher circulates around the room, assisting groups that have difficulty and providing feedback.

Feedback (10 - 15 minutes)

  1. Group Discussion (5 - 7 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is to allow students to share their experiences and learnings with the class. They should have the opportunity to listen and learn from others, as well as to consolidate what they have learned by explaining it to their peers.
    • Description: The teacher should invite each group to briefly share their stories and the solutions they found for the presented problem-solving scenarios. Each group will have a maximum of 3 minutes to speak. While one group presents, the others should pay attention and, if necessary, ask questions or make comments.
    • Execution: Groups share their stories and solutions. The teacher and other groups can ask questions or make comments. The teacher should ensure that all groups have the opportunity to speak and that the discussion is respectful and constructive.
  2. Connection with Theory (3 - 5 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for students to realize the applicability of what they have learned. They should be able to connect practical activities with the theory presented at the beginning of the lesson.
    • Description: The teacher should review the Phrasal Verbs concepts presented at the beginning of the lesson and explain how they were applied in the activities. He should highlight the difficulties encountered by students and how they were overcome.
    • Execution: The teacher explains how theory connects with practice, highlighting the most important points. He should be clear and concise, ensuring that all students understand.
  3. Individual Reflection (2 - 3 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for students to reflect on what they have learned. They should think about which concepts are most important and what they still need to improve.
    • Description: The teacher should propose that students reflect silently for a minute on the following questions:
      1. "What was the most important concept you learned today?"
      2. "What questions have not been answered yet?"
    • Execution: Students reflect silently for a minute. Then, the teacher asks some students to share their answers with the class. He should encourage everyone to participate and ensure that the discussion is respectful and constructive. The teacher can also use this opportunity to clarify any remaining doubts.
  4. Feedback and Closure (1 - 2 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for the teacher to get feedback from students about the lesson and make any necessary adjustments for the next class. Additionally, it is an opportunity for the teacher to reinforce key concepts and encourage students to continue practicing.

    • Description: The teacher should ask students to share what they liked most about the lesson and what they found most challenging. He should also remind them of the importance of continuing to practice Phrasal Verbs and asking questions. Finally, the teacher thanks everyone for their participation and closes the lesson.

    • Execution: The teacher listens to students' feedback, reinforces key concepts, and encourages continuous practice. He thanks everyone for their participation and closes the lesson.

Conclusion (5 - 10 minutes)

  1. Recapitulation (2 - 3 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for the teacher to review the main points covered during the lesson, reinforcing key concepts and clarifying any remaining doubts.
    • Description: The teacher should recap what Phrasal Verbs are, how they are formed, and examples of their use in different contexts. For example, he can ask students to briefly retell the story they created, highlighting the Phrasal Verbs used. Additionally, the teacher should take the opportunity to clarify any doubts that may have arisen during the practical activities.
    • Execution: The teacher recaps the main points, clarifies doubts, and ensures that all students have understood the lesson content.
  2. Theory-Practice Connection (1 - 2 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for the teacher to reinforce the applicability of the content learned in the lesson, showing students how Phrasal Verbs are used in everyday life and in different contexts.
    • Description: The teacher should recall the problem-solving scenarios presented at the beginning of the lesson and how Phrasal Verbs were used to solve them. Additionally, he can highlight how Phrasal Verbs are frequently used in texts, songs, movies, and everyday conversations.
    • Execution: The teacher reinforces the applicability of the content, showing examples of Phrasal Verbs usage in different contexts.
  3. Additional Materials (1 - 2 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for the teacher to suggest additional study materials for students who wish to deepen their knowledge of Phrasal Verbs.
    • Description: The teacher can suggest books, websites, apps, and videos that offer interactive exercises, lists of common Phrasal Verbs, and examples of usage in different contexts. Additionally, he can recommend regular practice of reading and listening to English texts, so that students can find and understand Phrasal Verbs in their real contexts of use.
    • Execution: The teacher suggests additional study materials and encourages students to use them to deepen their knowledge.
  4. Importance of the Topic (1 - 2 minutes)

    • Objective: The objective of this stage is for the teacher to explain the importance of Phrasal Verbs in English, highlighting how mastering these verbal expressions can enrich students' communication.
    • Description: The teacher should explain that Phrasal Verbs are crucial for fluency and understanding English, as they are widely used in all types of texts and conversations. Additionally, he can emphasize that by learning Phrasal Verbs, students are also expanding their vocabulary and their understanding of the English language as a whole.
    • Execution: The teacher highlights the importance of Phrasal Verbs for fluency and understanding English, and encourages students to continue practicing and improving their skills in this area.
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