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Lesson plan of English Revolution: from the Puritan Revolution to the Glorious Revolution


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English Revolution: from the Puritan Revolution to the Glorious Revolution

Lesson Plan | Technical Methodology | English Revolution: from the Puritan Revolution to the Glorious Revolution

KeywordsEnglish Revolution, Puritan Revolution, Glorious Revolution, English Civil War, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, Restoration of the Monarchy, Democracy, Civil Rights, Critical Analysis, Debate, Teamwork, History
Required MaterialsShort video about the English Revolution, Research materials, Historical sources, Computers or tablets with internet access, Whiteboard and markers, Paper and pens for notes


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

The purpose of this stage of the lesson plan is to establish a solid foundation of knowledge about the English Revolution, allowing students to understand historical events in a contextualized and critical manner. Additionally, this stage aims to develop practical and collaborative skills that are essential for the job market, such as critical analysis, interpretation of historical data, and teamwork.

Main Objectives

1. Understand the main political movements that occurred in England, Scotland, and Ireland between 1640 and 1688.

2. Identify the causes and consequences of the civil wars and changes in political regime during the English Revolution.

3. Contextualize the historical events from the Puritan Revolution to the Glorious Revolution within the political and social landscape of the time.

Side Objectives

  1. Develop skills in critical analysis and interpretation of historical sources.
  2. Promote teamwork and collaboration through practical activities and group discussions.


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

The purpose of this stage of the lesson plan is to establish a solid foundation of knowledge about the English Revolution, allowing students to understand historical events in a contextualized and critical manner. Additionally, this stage aims to develop practical and collaborative skills that are essential for the job market, such as critical analysis, interpretation of historical data, and teamwork.


The English Revolution, which took place between 1640 and 1688, was a period of significant political and social transformations in England, Scotland, and Ireland. These revolutionary events, which include the Puritan Revolution and the Glorious Revolution, forever changed the power structure in Great Britain, establishing important precedents for democracy and civil rights. Understanding these movements is crucial to grasp how the ideas of freedom and governance have evolved over time and continue to influence modern democracies.

Curiosities and Market Connection

During the English Revolution, the notion of 'natural rights' began to gain traction, profoundly influencing the development of legal and political systems worldwide. Nowadays, professionals such as lawyers, political scientists, and historians use knowledge about these revolutions to understand and apply concepts of justice and governance. Furthermore, the analysis of historical data and the development of coherent narratives are valuable skills in the job market, especially in fields like journalism, education, and research.

Initial Activity

Start the class with a provocative question: 'How do you think the political revolutions of the 17th century influence our lives today?' After a few minutes of discussion, show a short video (3-5 minutes) that dynamically explains the main events and figures of the English Revolution. This video will serve as an engaging visual starting point to delve deeper into the topic.


Duration: 60 - 70 minutes

The purpose of this stage of the lesson plan is to allow students to apply their knowledge about the English Revolution in a practical and collaborative manner. Through debates and fixation exercises, students will develop skills in research, argumentation, and critical analysis, all valuable for the job market and for a deeper understanding of history.

Covered Topics

  1. Causes of the Puritan Revolution
  2. The English Civil War
  3. Execution of Charles I
  4. The Commonwealth of Cromwell
  5. Restoration of the Monarchy
  6. The Glorious Revolution
  7. Impacts of the Revolutions in England, Scotland, and Ireland

Reflections on the Theme

Guide students to reflect on how power conflicts and revolutionary movements in England influenced the formation of modern political structures. Ask: 'How do the political changes during the English Revolution reflect in current government systems?' Encourage students to think about the evolution of civil rights and the transition from absolute monarchies to more democratic forms of government.

Mini Challenge

Simulated Debate: Historical Assemblies

Students will be divided into groups, each representing different political and social groups from the time of the English Revolution (Parliamentarians, Royalists, Puritans, among others). They must research and argue defending the interests of their respective groups in a simulated assembly.


  1. Divide the class into groups of 4 to 5 students.
  2. Assign each group a specific role (Parliamentarians, Royalists, Puritans, etc.).
  3. Distribute research materials and historical sources for students to prepare their arguments.
  4. Give students 20-25 minutes to discuss and formulate their arguments.
  5. Organize a simulation of an assembly where each group will have 3-5 minutes to present their arguments.
  6. Facilitate the discussion, encouraging students to respond to and challenge the points raised by other groups.
  7. Conclude the activity with an open debate where all students can participate.

Objective: Develop skills in research, argumentation, and debate, while providing a deeper understanding of the different political and social perspectives during the English Revolution.

Duration: 40 - 45 minutes

Evaluation Exercises

  1. Describe the main causes of the Puritan Revolution.
  2. Explain the events that led to the execution of Charles I.
  3. What was the impact of Oliver Cromwell's government in England?
  4. Compare the Restoration of the Monarchy with the Glorious Revolution.
  5. Discuss the effects of the English Revolutions on modern political structures.


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

The purpose of this stage of the lesson plan is to consolidate students' learning, ensuring they understand the relevance of the historical events studied and how the skills developed during the class can be applied in practical and professional contexts.


Guide students to reflect on the content covered, relating it to the challenges and practical activities carried out during the class. Ask: 'How did today’s activities help you better understand the English Revolution and its consequences?' Encourage students to discuss how research, debate, and argumentation strengthened their critical analysis and collaboration skills.


Summarize the main points covered, such as the causes of the Puritan Revolution, the English Civil War, the execution of Charles I, Cromwell's government, the Restoration of the Monarchy, and the Glorious Revolution. Highlight the political and social changes that occurred in England, Scotland, and Ireland between 1640 and 1688.


Explain how the class connected theory with practice through interactive activities and collaborative research, showcasing the historical and current relevance of the studied events. Conclude the class by reinforcing the importance of the topic for understanding modern democracies and civil rights, and how these skills are valuable in the job market across various fields.

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