Lesson Plan | Teachy Methodology | Movement of People and Goods
Keywords | Movement of People and Goods, History of Means of Transportation, Globalization, Technological Innovations, Social Networks, Digital Methodology, Active Learning, Augmented Reality, Interactive Exhibition, Digital Board Game, Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication |
Required Materials | Cell phones with internet access, Computers, Google Slides or similar tool, Google Jamboard or similar tool, Augmented Reality app (Google ARCore or similar), Feedback form for 360° Feedback session, Support materials for research (books, articles, websites), Projector and screen for presentations, Whiteboard and markers |
Duration: 10 - 15 minutes
This stage aims to prepare students to identify and analyze the transformations in transportation and communication throughout history, as well as understand the influence of these changes in the local and global context. Through a detailed and contextualized introduction, students will be able to connect previously studied content with the current world, promoting a more meaningful and engaging learning experience.
Main Objectives
1. Understand the transformations in transportation and communication throughout history.
2. Analyze the local and global influence caused by the movement of people and goods.
3. Relate the historical context to contemporary reality and its implications.
Side Objectives
- Stimulate critical thinking about the social and economic impacts of movement.
- Encourage the search for additional information using digital tools.
Duration: 20 - 25 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to prepare students to identify and analyze the transformations in means of transportation and communication throughout history, as well as to understand the influence of these changes in both local and global contexts. By connecting the previously studied content with contemporary reality, this stage aims to promote a more meaningful and engaging learning experience, stimulating critical thinking and the search for additional information.
Warming Up
Warm-up : Start the class by presenting the theme 'Movement of People and Goods' in a contextualized manner, highlighting how this issue is relevant both in the past and in the present. Briefly explain how the movement of people and goods influences the development of cities and the global economy. Instruct students to use their cell phones to research and find an interesting fact about a means of transportation or communication that revolutionized movement at some point in history. Ask them to share their findings with the class.
Initial Reflections
1. What interesting fact did you find about a means of transportation or communication?
2. How do you think the movement of people and goods has influenced the city you live in?
3. Do you know of any current technology that is revolutionizing transportation or communication?
4. In what ways has globalization facilitated the movement of goods around the world?
5. How do you imagine transportation will be in the future?
Duration: 70 - 80 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to provide students with a practical and interactive learning experience, using modern technologies to explore the theme of the movement of people and goods in an engaging and contextualized way. These activities aim to develop research, creativity, communication, and collaboration skills while deepening historical knowledge and its relationship with contemporary reality.
Activity Suggestions
It is recommended that only one of the suggested activities be carried out
Activity 1 - Digital Influencer Mission
> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes
- Objective: Stimulate research, creativity, and communication skills, in addition to providing a deep understanding of the historical impact of means of transportation.
- Description: Students will be digital influencers for a day! Each group must create a series of posts on a fictional social network (it can be on Google Slides or any other tool) about the history of a specific means of transportation (such as trains, airplanes, ships). They should include historical posts, curiosities, old and modern photos, and even short videos explaining how that means of transportation revolutionized the movement of people and goods over the years.
- Instructions:
Divide the class into groups of up to 5 students.
Each group will choose a means of transportation (train, airplane, ship, etc.).
Using cell phones and computers with internet access, groups will research the history of the chosen means of transportation.
They will create a series of posts (10 to 15) on a fictional social network, on Google Slides or similar.
The posts must include texts, images, short videos, and relevant links.
The final presentation will be shared with the class and discussed.
Activity 2 - Globalization Game
> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes
- Objective: Understand the complexity of global trade and the historical importance of trade routes, as well as develop strategy and teamwork skills.
- Description: Students will participate in a digital board game that simulates global trade. Using an online tool like Google Jamboard, each group will receive a board with different countries and products. They will need to move goods between countries, considering historical factors such as ancient trade routes, technological innovations, and social impacts.
- Instructions:
Divide the class into groups of up to 5 students.
Each group will access the digital board on Google Jamboard or similar.
They will receive instructions on how the game works, including rules about trade routes and technologies.
Groups will move goods between countries, considering historical factors and social impacts.
After the game, each group will discuss the challenges and lessons learned with the class.
Activity 3 - History in Augmented Reality ️
> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes
- Objective: Promote an immersive and interactive learning experience about the history of transportation, developing technological and presentation skills.
- Description: Students will create a mini exhibition using augmented reality (AR) to present the evolution of means of transportation. Using AR apps like Google ARCore, they will be able to project 3D models of transports (like old cars, airplanes, etc.) and create an interactive timeline.
- Instructions:
Divide the class into groups of up to 5 students.
Each group will choose a specific timeline for means of transportation (for example, the evolution of automobiles).
With the help of AR apps, groups will create 3D models and set up a virtual exhibition.
Each group will present its interactive timeline to the class, explaining the changes and impacts throughout history.
End with a discussion about technological innovations that are shaping the future of transportation.
Duration: 30 - 35 minutes
The purpose of this stage is to consolidate learning through the sharing of experiences, reflections, and constructive feedback. By promoting group discussion and 360° feedback, it seeks to develop students' ability to critically analyze their own productions and those of their peers, in addition to reinforcing communication and collaborative skills.
Group Discussion
Group Discussion: Start the group discussion by asking each group to share their experiences with the activities performed. Follow a brief script to guide the discussion:
- Introduction: Invite each group to present their work in a summarized format (3-5 minutes per group).
- Experiences and Learnings: Ask students to share the most interesting points they discovered during their research and creations.
- Challenges Faced: Question about the challenges they encountered during the activities and how they overcame them.
- Reflection on Impact: Lead students to reflect on how the history of transportation and movements impacts their daily lives and the community they live in.
1. Reflection Questions: To guide the discussion, use the following questions: 2. How did the means of transportation you studied influence the development of cities and the local and global economy? 3. What technological innovations do you believe were the most revolutionary in the transportation segment and why? 4. In what ways has globalization affected the movement of goods and people in ancient and current times?
360° Feedback
360° Feedback: Instruct the class to participate in a 360° feedback session. Ask each student to give constructive feedback to their peers in their group about their performance in the activity. Give guidance for the feedback to be respectful, highlighting positive aspects and suggesting improvements in a gentle and objective manner. Consider creating a simple feedback form to help students organize their thoughts.
Duration: 10 - 15 minutes
Purpose: This stage aims to consolidate learnings by connecting historical content to contemporary reality, reinforcing the importance of the topic for students' daily lives. By summarizing key points and reflecting on practical applications, it seeks to ensure students internalize knowledge in a meaningful and contextualized way.
Animated Summary : Imagine a giant timeline, filled with buzzes and hums of different means of transportation! From the imposing arrival of steamships, the elegance of steam trains, soaring through the skies with the first airplanes, to the ultra-modern drones delivering packages to our doors. Class was a journey through time, highlighting the ways we move people and goods and how each innovation revolutionized our social and economic dynamics. ✈️
World Connection
Connection to the Current World: Today, we live in an era where technology and innovation are continuously transforming the way we view movement. Ride-sharing apps, delivery drones, electric buses, and even the promise of autonomous cars are examples that illustrate how what we learned in class applies directly to the modern world. Understanding the history of these developments helps us comprehend and anticipate future advancements! ️
Practical Application
️ Applications in Everyday Life: Knowing the history of means of transportation allows us to appreciate the speed and convenience with which we can travel and transport goods today. Furthermore, it helps us to value technological innovations and think critically about the changes we want to see in the future, such as more sustainable ways to move and transport products. ♀️