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Summary of Waves: Equation


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Waves: Equation

Waves: Equation | Active Summary


1.  Master the writing of the wave equation that describes wave motion over time, using sinusoidal functions as a basis.

2.  Identify and manipulate parameters such as amplitude, frequency, and speed that influence the behavior of waves in different media and contexts.

3.  Apply the acquired knowledge to solve practical and theoretical problems related to the properties of waves.


Did you know that waves are not only a fascinating physical phenomenon, but also the basis of many technologies we use daily? For example, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are technologies that rely on the propagation of electromagnetic waves to function. Understanding how waves behave and how we can mathematically describe them not only helps us understand the world around us but also empowers us to innovate and improve these technologies!

Important Topics

Sinusoidal Functions

Sinusoidal functions play a fundamental role in the mathematical description of waves because they can represent the oscillatory behavior of many wave phenomena in nature. A sinusoidal wave is a mathematical function that describes a repetitive and periodic oscillation, like the vibration of a string or the sound emitted by a tuning fork.

  • The general form of a sinusoidal wave is y = A sin(ωt + φ), where A is the amplitude, ω is the angular frequency, t is time, and φ is the initial phase.

  • The amplitude, represented by A, determines the maximum height of the wave and is directly related to the energy carried by the wave.

  • The angular frequency ω determines how quickly the wave oscillates and is related to the frequency f by the equation ω = 2πf.

Wave Equation

The wave equation is a partial differential equation that describes how a wave propagates through a medium, such as air or water. This equation is fundamental to understand how disturbances at a point in the medium propagate spatially and temporally.

  • The general form of the one-dimensional wave equation is ∂ÂČy/∂xÂČ = (1/vÂČ) ∂ÂČy/∂tÂČ, where y is the wave function, x is the position in the medium, t is time, and v is the wave speed.

  • This equation shows that the wave’s acceleration is proportional to the gradient of the square of the wave's amplitude, meaning that waves propagate faster in stiffer or tensioned media (higher v).

  • The wave equation can be adapted for different types of waves, such as one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional waves, depending on the geometry of the medium and the wave.

Propagation Speed

The speed of wave propagation in a medium is a crucial property that depends on the characteristics of the medium, such as density, elasticity, and tension, and not on the amplitude or frequency of the wave. Knowing this speed is essential for predicting how waves will behave in different situations.

  • The propagation speed v in a medium is given by v = λf, where λ is the wavelength and f is the wave frequency.

  • In isotropic media, the propagation speed is the same in all directions, while in anisotropic media, it may vary depending on the direction.

  • The speed of sound and the speed of light are examples of wave speeds that depend on the properties of the medium through which they propagate.

Key Terms

  • Wave: A disturbance that travels through a medium, transferring energy from one point to another without transferring matter.

  • Amplitude: The maximum height of a wave, measured from the resting point to the peak or trough of the wave.

  • Frequency: The number of cycles of a wave that pass a point in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz).

  • Wave Speed: The rate at which the disturbance travels through a medium, expressed in meters per second.

To Reflect

  • How does the amplitude of a wave affect its transported energy and its ability to cause effects on a receiver?

  • Explain why the speed of light is constant in all reference frames, according to Einstein's theory of relativity.

  • In what ways can understanding waves help improve technologies such as wireless communications and medical diagnostics?

Important Conclusions

  • In this lesson, we explored the properties of waves and how they can be described by sinusoidal equations. We learned that waves are fundamental not only in natural phenomena but also in modern technologies like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

  • We discussed how parameters such as amplitude, frequency, and speed influence the behavior of waves, and how the wave equation allows us to predict and understand the motion of these waves in different media.

  • This understanding is essential not only for the academic study of physics but also for practical applications in areas such as acoustics, communications, and medicine, where knowledge of waves is crucial.

To Exercise Knowledge

To solidify what you’ve learned, try the following activities: 1. Create a wave model using a spring and observe how changing the tension affects the speed of the wave. 2. Use a wave simulation app to predict the behavior of waves in different media. 3. 'Mathematical Surfer' Challenge: Model and simulate waves in a virtual surfing game, adjusting parameters like height and frequency to create ideal surfing waves.


'Wave Composer' Challenge: Based on what you learned about sinusoidal functions, create a 'wave music' where you represent different types of waves (sound, light, etc.) with simple musical instruments or software tools. Present your creation in graphical and audio form to the class!

Study Tips

  • Regularly review the wave equations and try to apply them to different everyday scenarios, such as sound waves at a concert or waves in water.

  • Experiment with different wave simulation software available online to visualize and better understand the behavior of waves in various contexts.

  • Discuss with friends or family about how waves are used in technologies you use daily, such as cell phones and radios, to see physics in action in the real world.

Iara Tip


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