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Summary of Modernism


Teachy Original


Modernism | Socioemotional Summary


1.  Understand the fundamental concepts of art from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

2.  Identify the key characteristics of Modernism, including the rejection of tradition and the emphasis on subjectivity.

3.  Reflect on the emotions expressed in modernist works and their possible causes and consequences.


 Did you know that Modernism was a revolutionary movement that challenged all traditional rules of art? Imagine living in a time full of social, technological, and cultural transformations! Great artists like Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, and Salvador Dalí used their unique emotions and perspectives to create works that still inspire and provoke deep reflections. Let's discover how these artistic changes can help us better understand our own emotions and the world around us!

Important Topics

Historical Context

Modernism emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in response to the rapid social, political, and technological changes of the time. This period was marked by significant events such as the Industrial Revolution, which brought great technological advances and changes in social structure, and World War I, which profoundly impacted people's views of the world. Modernist artists sought to break with established traditions and find new forms of expression that better reflected the complexity and uncertainty of their time.

  • Break with the Past: Modernism represented a deliberate break with previous artistic norms and conventions. This movement was a form of protest against the rigidity of past artistic traditions.

  • ⚙️ Influence of the Industrial Revolution: Rapid industrialization brought new technologies and changed urban life, which was reflected in art through new techniques and themes.

  • Impacts of Social Changes: Social transformations, including changes in class and gender relations, profoundly influenced artistic production, which began to address complex social and psychological issues.

Rejection of Tradition

One of the most striking characteristics of Modernism was the rejection of artistic and cultural traditions. Modernist artists sought to challenge and redefine established norms by exploring new techniques, styles, and forms of expression. This rejection was not only a technical departure but also an emotional and philosophical movement that reflected a search for authenticity and innovation.

  • New Perspective: Modernist artists wanted to see and represent the world in new and unconventional ways, challenging objectivity and pre-established narratives.

  • Exploration of Techniques and Styles: The use of innovative techniques such as the geometric forms in Cubism, or the vibrant colors and intense brushstrokes of Expressionism exemplify this pursuit of rupture.

  • Authenticity: The rejection of tradition was also related to a search for authenticity, where artists sought to express their own emotions and perceptions of the world in a genuine way.

Emphasis on Subjectivity

Another central characteristic of Modernism was the emphasis on subjectivity. Modernist artists were interested in exploring their own emotions, perceptions, and individual experiences. This subjective approach allowed for greater creative freedom and provided a space for the expression of a wide range of human emotions, from joy to anguish.

  • Personal Exploration: Modernist art is often a direct expression of the artists' personal feelings and thoughts, allowing for a closer connection with the audience.

  • Diversity of Emotions: Modernism encompasses a vast range of emotional expressions, reflecting the complexity of the human experience.

  • Introspection: The subjectivity in Modernism encouraged both artists and the public to a greater introspection, stimulating reflection on their own emotions and perceptions.

Key Terms

  • Modernism: Artistic and cultural movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, characterized by the rejection of tradition and emphasis on subjectivity.

  • Impressionism: Artistic movement that emerged in France in the late 19th century, focused on the representation of light and movement, often through quick and loose brushstrokes.

  • ️ Expressionism: Artistic movement that sought to express intense emotions and feelings, often through vibrant colors and distorted forms.

  • Cubism: Artistic movement co-founded by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, characterized by the fragmentation and restructuring of forms into a series of geometric planes.

  • Surrealism: Artistic movement that explored the unconscious and the irrational, often through dreamlike and fantastic images.

To Reflect

  • How do you think the rapid social and technological changes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries influenced modernist artists and their works?

  • Reflect on a situation where you rejected an established tradition or norm. How did that experience influence the way you see the world?

  • Think of a modernist artwork you have seen. What emotions did it evoke in you? How might those emotions be related to the artist's experiences and perceptions?

Important Conclusions

  •  Modernism was a revolutionary artistic movement that emerged in response to the rapid social, political, and technological changes of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

  •  Modernist artists rejected established artistic traditions and sought new forms of expression, focusing on subjectivity and authenticity.

  • 易 The subjectivity allowed artists to deeply explore their emotions and personal experiences, providing a more intimate and meaningful connection with the audience.

Impact on Society

 Today, the impacts of Modernism are visible in various areas of our society. The influence of this movement is clearly perceived in contemporary art, where a diversity of styles and creative freedom are predominant. Additionally, the rejection of traditional norms by modernist artists paved the way for new movements and forms of artistic expression, reflecting the constant cultural and social evolution in which we live. ❤️ On a more personal and emotional level, Modernism teaches us the importance of being authentic and expressing our emotions in ways that are true to ourselves. By rejecting conventions and exploring our subjectivity, we can find new ways to understand and face our emotional challenges. Modernist art reminds us that our personal and emotional experiences are valuable and worthy of being expressed.

Dealing with Emotions

✍️ RULER Exercise at Home: Take some time to reflect on a modernist artwork that awakened strong emotions in you. First, recognize those emotions within yourself. Then, try to understand the causes of those emotions and their possible consequences. Name the emotions you identified accurately. Think about appropriate ways to express those emotions using art, such as drawing or writing about them. Finally, practice regulating those emotions through activities that provide you with well-being, such as listening to music, exercising, or practicing mindfulness. This exercise will help you better deal with your emotions while studying Modernism and its applications.

Study Tips

  • ️ Explore online museums and art galleries to see modernist works up close. This will help you better understand the techniques and emotions expressed by the artists.

  •  Read biographies of modernist artists like Pablo Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, and Salvador Dalí to understand the context of their works and how their lives influenced their art.

  •  Take notes or create a reflective journal about your perceptions and emotions while studying Modernism. This will help consolidate your knowledge and develop an emotional connection to the theme.

Iara Tip


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