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Summary of Thermodynamics: Entropy


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Thermodynamics: Entropy

Introduction to Thermodynamics: Entropy

Relevance of the Topic

Thermodynamics encompasses the study of energy transformations and states of matter. In this scenario, entropy emerges as a key concept to understand the direction of natural processes.

Having this "arrow of time", that is, a notion of "before" and "after" in terms of the spontaneity of processes, is crucial in almost all scientific disciplines. It helps in understanding how natural systems evolve, from the expansion of the universe (in the Big Bang), to the cooling of a hot coffee, and even in the life and death of stars.

Understanding entropy is fundamental for Physics, as it is an essential quantity for Thermodynamics, establishing the relationship between heat and work. Moreover, it is present in Chemistry, Biology, Meteorology, Engineering, and other areas, being a unifying principle of nature.


Within the vast and fascinating universe of Physics, Thermodynamics, specifically Entropy, plays a central role. It is a link that connects various topics and physical phenomena, providing a broader and deeper view of how the world works.

In the curriculum of the 2nd year of High School, after studying the basic concepts of heat and energy, we delve into the complexity of Thermodynamics. Entropy is a key concept to be explored, as it introduces ideas that go beyond energy calculations.

In practical terms, understanding Entropy allows for the qualitative prediction of whether a reaction can occur spontaneously or not, for example. This opens doors to the understanding of numerous natural phenomena and industrial processes. Thus, Entropy is a powerful tool for understanding and interpreting the world around us.

Theoretical Development


  • Concept of Entropy: Entropy, from the Greek "entropé" meaning "transformation", is a quantity that measures the degree of disorder of a system. That is, the greater the Entropy, the more disordered the system is. Systems tend to evolve spontaneously to states of greater disorder, that is, to states where their entropy is maximum.

  • Law of increasing entropy: The second law of thermodynamics states that, in an isolated system or interacting with another system at a given temperature, Entropy always increases or remains constant, but never decreases. This implies that spontaneous processes tend to increase the Entropy of the universe.

  • Entropy of the universe: Due to the second law, the total amount of Entropy in the universe never decreases. This translates into the idea that the "disorder of the universe" is always increasing, which explains the arrow of time, the direction of time, that is, why we always perceive time as advancing and not going backwards.

Key Terms

  • Entropy of a system: The Entropy of a system is the measure of its disorder. It is calculated using the mathematical formula S=k*ln(W), where k is the Boltzmann constant and W is the number of possible microstates for the system.

  • Concept of microstates: In Thermodynamics, a microstate refers to a specific configuration that a system can occupy within a given macrostate. Microstates can be thought of as different ways that the elements of the system can be organized.

  • Entropy of the universe: The Entropy of the universe is a concept that relates to the general state of the universe. Based on the second law of thermodynamics, the Entropy of the universe always increases over time, leading to the idea of an "arrow of time".

Examples and Cases

  • The evolution of the universe: The Entropy of the universe is a crucial factor in explaining the origin of the universe and its evolution. The Big Bang, for example, was an event of very low entropy and over time, according to the second law of thermodynamics, the Entropy of the universe has increased, leading to the current stage of high entropy and disorder.

  • Disorder in a glass of water and ice cubes: A glass of water with ice can serve as a good example to understand Entropy. Initially, the water is ordered in the ice. With the increase in temperature, the ice melts and the water, now in a mixed state, has a higher Entropy, that is, it is more disordered than initially. This is the natural process of evolution to a state of greater entropy.

  • Growth of a salt crystal: The process of growing a salt crystal from a saline solution also exemplifies the second law of thermodynamics. Initially, the solution is disordered and, as the crystal grows, more and more salt particles are organized in a well-defined pattern, resulting in a lower entropy for the system. However, for this process to occur, an external energy input is necessary. This is an illustration of how the entropy of a system can decrease, but only at the expense of a greater increase in the entropy of the environment.

Detailed Summary

Relevant Points

  • Definition of Entropy: It is crucial to understand Entropy as a measure of the degree of disorder in a system. Entropy is a thermodynamic property that is related to the number of ways or "microstates" that the components of a system can be organized, without changing its macroscopic properties.

  • The Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy is intrinsically associated with the second law of thermodynamics. This law establishes that, in an isolated system, entropy always tends to increase or, at most, remain constant. This phenomenon is the basis for the idea of temporal direction, since the perception of time advancing is the result of the increase in entropy.

  • Entropy of the universe and everyday life: The concept of entropy applies in various everyday situations. From the evolution of the universe itself, which is marked by the continuous and inevitable increase in entropy, to phase changes of a glass of water with ice, where entropy increases due to the transition from an ordered state (frozen) to a state of greater disorder (liquid). In summary, entropy is an "arrow of time", which indicates the direction in which natural processes occur.


  • Importance of Entropy: Entropy is one of the driving forces behind most physical and chemical processes. Without it, our understanding of the physical world would be limited. It plays an essential role in Thermodynamics, Chemistry, Meteorology, Engineering, and other scientific disciplines.

  • Relevance of the Second Law: The second law of thermodynamics, expressed by the constant increase or stagnation of entropy, is a fundamental pillar in physics. It provides a logical basis for physical processes to occur in the direction we perceive as "advancing in time", that is, from a state of lower entropy to one of higher entropy.

Suggested Exercises

  1. Entropy and Disorder: Explain the concept of entropy using the example of a messy room. Which room would have higher entropy: a messy one or a tidy one? Justify your answer.

  2. Entropy and Phase Change: Associate the concept of entropy with the phase change of water. What happens to the entropy when water changes from solid to liquid state? And from liquid to gaseous? Explain.

  3. Second Law of Thermodynamics: Discuss the second law of thermodynamics and explain how it is related to entropy. Give examples of everyday situations that illustrate this law.

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