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Summary of Calorimetry: Sensible Heat


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Calorimetry: Sensible Heat

Exploring Calorimetry: From Theory to Practice


1. Calculate the sensible heat using the formula Q = mcΔT.

2. Solve practical problems involving heat exchange and temperature changes.

3. Understand the conservation of energy in thermal processes.

4. Develop collaboration and teamwork skills during practical activities.


Heat is present in our daily lives and plays a fundamental role in various situations. From food preparation to the operation of engines and heating and cooling systems, understanding how heat is transferred and how it affects the materials around us is essential. Calorimetry, which studies these heat exchanges, allows us to calculate the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a body, a crucial skill in many technical and scientific professions. For example, in the food industry, precise temperature control is vital to ensure food quality and safety. In engineering, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems depend on knowledge of heat transfer to operate efficiently.

Relevance of the Theme

The study of calorimetry and sensible heat is essential in the current context, as it has direct applications in various areas, from cooking to space exploration. Professions like engineers, chefs, and scientists rely on this knowledge to solve practical problems and improve industrial processes. Furthermore, understanding these concepts is crucial for the development of new technologies and materials, contributing to significant advancements in various fields of knowledge and environmental sustainability.

Sensible Heat

Sensible heat is the amount of heat transferred to cause a change in the temperature of a body without altering its physical state. It is calculated using the formula Q = mcΔT, where Q is the heat transferred, m is the mass of the body, c is the specific heat of the material, and ΔT is the temperature change.

  • Q = mcΔT: Equation used to calculate sensible heat.

  • Does not alter physical state: Sensible heat only causes temperature variations without changing phase.

  • Specific heat: Property of the material that indicates how much heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1g of the material by 1°C.

Thermal Capacity and Specific Heat

Thermal capacity is the total amount of heat required to change the temperature of a body by 1°C. Specific heat is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1°C.

  • Thermal capacity: Depends on the mass and specific heat of the material.

  • Specific heat: Varies between different materials and is an intrinsic property of the material.

  • Units: Thermal capacity is measured in J/°C, while specific heat is measured in J/g°C.

Principle of Energy Conservation in Heat Exchange

This principle states that in an isolated system, the total amount of energy remains constant. In heat exchanges, this means that the heat lost by one body is equal to the heat gained by another.

  • Energy conservation: The total energy in an isolated system does not change.

  • Heat lost = Heat gained: In heat exchanges, the energy transferred from one body is received by another.

  • Isolated system: There is no heat exchange with the external environment, only between bodies within the system.

Practical Applications

  • In the food industry, calorimetry is used to control the temperature during cooking and cooling of food, ensuring quality and safety.
  • In engineering, knowledge of sensible heat is fundamental for the design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, improving energy efficiency.
  • In scientific research, calorimeters are used to test materials' resistance to extreme temperature variations, ensuring the safety of equipment and missions.

Key Terms

  • Sensible Heat: Amount of heat needed to change the temperature of a body without altering its physical state.

  • Thermal Capacity: Total amount of heat required to change the temperature of a body by 1°C.

  • Specific Heat: Amount of heat required to change the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1°C.

  • Energy Conservation: Principle stating that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant.

  • Isolated System: A system that does not exchange heat or matter with its surroundings.


  • How can the knowledge of sensible heat and heat exchanges be applied in different sectors of the job market, such as engineering, culinary arts, and materials science?

  • How can understanding energy conservation in thermal processes contribute to environmental sustainability?

  • What difficulties did you encounter while conducting the practical experiment of mixing water at different temperatures, and how did you overcome them?


To Reflect

In this lesson, we explored the fundamental concepts of calorimetry, focusing especially on sensible heat and heat exchanges. We understood how to calculate sensible heat using the formula Q = mcΔT and applied this knowledge to practical problems, such as mixing different temperatures of water. Additionally, we discussed the importance of energy conservation in thermal processes and reflected on how these insights are applied in various fields of the job market, such as engineering, culinary arts, and materials science. This understanding allows us to improve industrial processes, develop new technologies, and ensure efficiency and sustainability in various practical applications.

Mini Challenge - Practical Challenge: Temperature Control in the Kitchen

This mini-challenge aims to apply the concepts of sensible heat in culinary practice, helping to understand the importance of temperature control in food preparation.

  • Choose a simple recipe that involves a temperature change, such as making iced tea.
  • Measure the initial amount of water and its temperature before heating.
  • Heat the water to the desired temperature and measure its final temperature again.
  • Use the formula Q = mcΔT to calculate the amount of sensible heat involved in the water heating process.
  • After heating, add ice and measure the final temperature of the iced tea.
  • Calculate the amount of heat exchanged during the cooling of the tea.
  • Describe how temperature control influenced the final result of the recipe.
Iara Tip


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