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Summary of Cartographic Representations


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Cartographic Representations

Cartographic Representations | Socioemotional Summary


1. Identify different types of cartographic representations, such as maps, globes, and plans.

2. Interpret the main parts of a cartographic representation, including legends, coordinates, and scales.

3. Develop socio-emotional skills such as self-awareness, self-control, and responsible decision-making.


Did you know that the maps, globes, and plans we use to navigate and understand the world around us are like magical windows to explore different cultures and environments? ️✨ They not only help us find the right path but also teach us to appreciate the incredible diversity of our planet! Let's embark on this exciting journey and discover how these representations can transform our view of the world! 

Important Topics


Maps are graphic representations that depict the Earth's surface or parts of it on a flat surface. They are essential for helping us visualize and understand the geography of a region, from the location of countries to physical features such as rivers and mountains. By learning to read and interpret maps, we develop spatial skills and a better understanding of the world around us.

  •  Two-Dimensional Representation: Maps flatten the spherical surface of the Earth, helping us see large areas in a simplified way.

  • ️ Types of Maps: There are physical, political, and thematic maps, each with a specific purpose. For example, physical maps show relief and hydrology, while political maps highlight borders between countries and states.

  •  Use of Scales: The scale on maps shows the relationship between the distance on the map and the actual distance on the ground, allowing for precise distance measurement.


A globe is a three-dimensional model of the Earth that faithfully represents its spherical shape. It gives us a more accurate view of how continents and oceans are arranged. Using a globe can be a visually interesting and tangible way to explore the planet.

  •  Spherical Shape: Unlike maps, globes maintain the real shape of the Earth, eliminating distortions that appear in flat representations.

  •  Proportionality: Globes show correct proportions between different areas, which is essential for understanding the true scale of continents and oceans.

  • 吝 Realistic Orientation: They help us understand the orientation of continents and the Earth's rotation, facilitating the visualization of phenomena such as time zones.


Plans are detailed representations scaled down of smaller areas, such as neighborhoods, parks, or buildings. They are extremely useful for understanding the layout and planning of these spaces, allowing a more detailed and specific view than global or regional maps.

  •  Detailing: Plans show specific details of buildings, streets, and green areas, providing a clear view of the environment.

  • ️ Reduced Scale: They are drawn to a smaller scale, allowing large areas to be represented in a comprehensible and precise way.

  •  Practical Utility: They are used in urban planning, architecture, and in everyday situations such as locating rooms in a building or areas within a park.

Key Terms

  • Cartographic Representation: Different ways of representing the Earth or parts of it, helping in navigation and geographic understanding.

  • Legend: A set of symbols and colors used in maps to represent different elements and information.

  • Scale: The relationship between the measurement on the map and the corresponding measurement on the real terrain.

  • Geographic Coordinates: A system of lines (latitude and longitude) that allows for identifying the exact location of any point on Earth.

  • Compass Rose: A symbol on maps that points to cardinal directions (North, South, East, West), essential for orientation.

To Reflect

  • 樂 How did you feel trying to understand and interpret a map during the class? Did you encounter any difficulties? How did you deal with them?

  •  In what ways can maps and globes help us appreciate and respect different cultures and environments around the world?

  • ️ Think of a daily situation where you could apply what you've learned about cartographic representations. How could this make your life easier?

Important Conclusions

  • Maps, globes, and plans are essential tools for understanding and navigating the world around us. They help us identify locations, understand physical features, and visualize different regions clearly.

  • Interpreting cartographic representations develops important skills, such as spatial thinking and the ability to make informed decisions in daily situations.

  • Learning about scales, legends, geographic coordinates, and the compass rose allows us to use maps efficiently and accurately, facilitating our orientation and understanding of different places.

Impact on Society

In everyday life, knowledge about cartographic representations plays a fundamental role in various activities. For example, understanding a map's scale can help us plan a trip or even find the desired store on a shopping mall map. Furthermore, by studying maps and globes, we have the opportunity to appreciate and respect different cultures and environments around the world, promoting global awareness and an attitude of respect and appreciation for diversity.

In an emotional context, knowing how to interpret maps can provide us with a sense of security and confidence when exploring new places. When we feel lost, whether geographically or emotionally, the ability to use a map for guidance can symbolize the capacity to find a path, reinforcing our self-confidence and resilience. Therefore, the study of cartographic representations goes beyond geography, directly impacting our emotional and social well-being.

Dealing with Emotions

To deal with your emotions while studying cartographic representations, I propose the following activity based on the RULER method. First, try to Recognize how you feel when facing a new map or globe. Do you feel curiosity, confusion, or excitement? Understand that these emotions are normal and part of the learning process. Name the emotions you're feeling - it might be confusing at first, but practice makes perfect! Next, Express these emotions constructively: talk to a friend or write in a journal about how you feel. Finally, Regulate your emotions, perhaps by practicing a breathing exercise or taking a walk to clear your mind. This activity will help you better manage your emotions while exploring new knowledge.

Study Tips

  • Explore different types of maps online and try to identify their legends and scales. This will help reinforce what you learned in class in a practical and fun way!

  • Practice drawing floor plans of places you know well, such as your house or neighborhood. This will help solidify the concept of cartographic representation and develop your observation and detailing skills.

  • Create small location challenges using geographic coordinates. Invite a friend to participate and make the study even more interesting and collaborative.

Iara Tip


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