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Question about Physical Exercise and the Body

Physical Education

Originais Teachy

Physical Exercise and the Body


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Easy of Physical Education

Various activities can be considered physical exercises, from playing games to formal sports modalities. One of these activities is dance, which besides promoting joy and artistic expression, contributes significantly to the development of the body and to physical and mental well-being. During dance practice, dancers perform movements that stimulate different muscle groups and the cardiovascular system, improving physical capacity and motor coordination. In a recent study, it was observed that teenagers who regularly participated in dance classes showed a significant improvement in posture and balance compared to their peers who did not engage in this activity. Based on this context, consider that a group of 7th-grade students decided to put together a dance performance for the school's cultural fair, aiming not only to entertain but also to inform the audience about the benefits of dance for health. For the choreography, the students are looking for movements that involve jumps, turns, stretches, and displacements, in order to highlight the physical aspects that dance can enhance. Which choreographic element of dance presents evident contribution to the development of muscular strength and how could it be explained to lay spectators in the language of Physical Education?
The choreographic element of dance that significantly contributes to the development of muscular strength is displacement, which can be explained as movements that require muscle strength to push the body in different directions.
'Os deslocamentos em dança não contribuem para o desenvolvimento da força muscular, pois o corpo não sustenta peso durante esses movimentos.'
'Os alongamentos são os que mais promovem o desenvolvimento da força muscular, pois esticam os músculos, o que os fortalece.'
'Os giros são os movimentos da dança que mais contribuem para o desenvolvimento da força muscular, já que exigem resistência muscular para manter o equilíbrio.'
'Os saltos são o elemento coreográfico que mais trabalha a força muscular, pois demandam uma grande força de impulso dos membros inferiores para elevar o corpo.'

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