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Question about Relationships Between Artistic Languages


Originais Teachy

Relationships Between Artistic Languages


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Hard of Arts

If we consider Art as a means of expression that transcends mere visual representation, we observe that various artistic languages often intertwine to communicate complex and multifaceted messages. Based on this assumption, and considering a specific historical-cultural scenario, analyze the following excerpt from a surrealist poem that, when incorporated into a theatrical piece that exalts techniques of German expressionism, uses the scenic space and lighting to accentuate the dreamlike atmosphere of the verses: 'In the darkness, the disfigured faces of dreams dance amidst broken shadows, revealing the anguish of a world that has never seen the sun.' Through intertextuality and the integration of aesthetic elements from the mentioned artistic languages, identify and justify how the poetic passage, along with the setting of the play, promotes a critical reflection on the social and historical context of the interwar period in Germany.
The excerpt from the surrealist poem and the expressionist aesthetic in the theatrical piece ignore the interwar context, concentrating on mythological and universal narratives.
The poetic passage and the setting of the theatrical piece, due to their abstract nature, do not establish connections with the historical context, focusing solely on subjective expressions.
The poetic passage and the setting of the theatrical piece use a language that exalts optimism and progress, in contrast to the prevailing pessimism in Germany during the interwar period.
The poetic passage, when incorporated into a theatrical piece with expressionist elements, acts as a metaphor that reflects the German social reality, highlighting the anguish and uncertainty of the interwar period.
The intertextuality between the surrealist poem and the theatrical piece serves only to explore visual and sound effects, without any intention of provoking reflections on the historical context.

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