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Question about Reflection on Ethics


Originais Teachy

Reflection on Ethics


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Medium of Philosophy

In the work 'Nicomachean Ethics', Aristotle discusses ethics as the investigation of character dispositions that lead to the flourishing of human life in society. In a passage, he states: 'Ethics is not a theory, but a practice. We do not seek just to understand what virtue is, but we strive to become good.' Considering the context of ethical debates, especially regarding the formation of values and moral attitudes in contemporary society, evaluate the following hypothetical situation: In a culture where corruption is widely tolerated and even encouraged in various sectors, what ethical strategy could be employed to promote reflection and the adoption of more integral behaviors among individuals, taking into account Aristotle's thoughts on ethical practice and its role in shaping human character?
The best strategy to deal with corruption is the application of harsher penalties to deter individuals from engaging in corrupt acts, regardless of any other approaches.
To combat corruption in a society that tolerates it, it is sufficient for governmental institutions to promote media campaigns demonstrating the negative effects of such behavior.
An ethical strategy to promote reflection and the adoption of more integral behaviors in a culture that tolerates corruption may involve combining philosophical reflection on ethics, according to Aristotle, with concrete actions such as debates, case analysis, civic education projects, and the establishment of a conduct model based on ethical virtues.
Promoting economic development and expanding access to consumer goods are measures that naturally reduce corruption rates, without the need for ethical or educational approaches.
Acceptance of corruption in certain sectors is a cultural issue that should be respected, and therefore, there is no universal ethical strategy that can be applied to promote more integral behaviors.

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Understanding and Reflection on Philosophy

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