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Question about Morality of Modern Man


Originais Teachy

Morality of Modern Man


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Easy of Philosophy

In the poem 'The Other Side of Days', the renowned Brazilian poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade invites the reader to reflect on the nature of morality and the complexity of human relationships in the contemporary world. The poet questions: 'What morality is offered to these young people, children of a fragmented era, where values seem to submit to the speed of technological changes?' Based on the excerpt and knowledge of moral philosophy and social transformations, analyze how technological changes can influence systems of values and the perception of morality in new generations, considering the current sociocultural context.
Technological changes can influence systems of values and the perception of morality in new generations, challenging the preservation of traditional values and requiring adaptation to new contexts, as well as offering opportunities for the strengthening of positive and universal values.
New technologies exclusively reinforce traditional values, without opening space for the redefinition or emergence of new moral principles.
The technological changes are neutral and do not exert a significant influence on the systems of values and the perception of morality in new generations.
Technological advances promote a global standardization of systems of values and morality, eliminating cultural and social differences.
Morality is static and immune to the influences of technologies, remaining unchanged in the face of social and cultural transformations.

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