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Question about Geometric Isomerism


Originais Teachy

Geometric Isomerism


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Medium of Chemistry

Consider two organic compounds, A and B, both with the molecular formula C4H8, which exhibit geometric isomerism between them. Compound A is an alkene that has two methylene groups (CH2) in a cis arrangement and two additional carbon atoms that are not included in these groups. Compound B, on the other hand, is an alkene that has an ethylene group (CH2CH2) and a methylene group (CH2) in a trans arrangement, with the remaining two carbon atoms also not included in any of these groups. Knowing that cis-trans isomerism occurs only in alkenes with different ligands on the double carbons and that the cis and trans arrangements are exclusive to each compound, identify the structural formula of each compound A and B and justify your answer based on the concepts of geometric isomerism and the information provided about the cis and trans arrangements of the methylene and ethylene groups in each compound.

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