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Question about Notion of State


Originais Teachy

Notion of State


(Originais Teachy 2023) - Question Hard of History

In a small community, the residents decided to organize a cultural event to celebrate the anniversary of the village's foundation. To do so, they need to plan and execute various actions, such as obtaining permits to close streets, hiring local artists, and organizing the sale of food and products. Additionally, the community must ensure the safety of the event and the well-being of all participants. To carry out these activities, what mechanism of organization of political power should be applied, considering the responsibilities of the State and the forms of social order present in the community? Describe how this mechanism could be implemented to ensure the success of the cultural event, promoting citizen participation and respect for the established norms.
O evento deve ser organizado de forma espontânea, sem a definição de regras ou planejamento prévio, confiando na boa vontade de cada participante para o sucesso da celebração.
Um conselho informal de anciãos deve ser estabelecido para aprovar todas as ações sem a participação de outros membros da comunidade.
Cada família deve ser responsável por uma parte do evento, sem a necessidade de coordenação com outras famílias ou instâncias governamentais.
A comunidade deve designar um líder supremo que tomará todas as decisões sem a necessidade de consulta popular.
The mechanism of organization of political power that should be applied is the cooperation with local authorities and the creation of an organizing committee. This committee should manage the tasks of planning, execution, and evaluation of the event, while cooperating with the authorities to ensure compliance with the norms and the safety of the participants.

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