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Question about Drawing


Originais Teachy



(Originais Teachy 2024) - Question Easy of Arts

By observing cave art, we can see that humans have used drawings to tell stories and record events since prehistoric times. When studying these ancient paintings, we realize that besides artistic skills, ancient peoples had knowledge about daily events and the fauna around them. Considering Vinicius de Moraes' poem 'The Bat,' which uses metaphors and descriptions to portray the animal, explain how the combination of artistic skills and knowledge about nature can enrich the creation of a drawing that aims to tell a story or describe a living being, taking as an example the representation of a bat.
By combining artistic skills with knowledge about nature, the artist can create drawings that are visually appealing and rich in details and meanings, as in the example of representing a bat, where research on its anatomy and habits, inspiration from art and literature, and artistic techniques enhance the narrative or description of the animal.
Focusing solely on artistic skills is sufficient to create a detailed and meaningful drawing of a bat, as art does not require scientific knowledge to be appreciated.
The representation of a bat in a drawing should avoid natural details and focus only on the artist's subjective interpretation, to not limit creativity.
When drawing a bat, it is better to use only imagination and avoid research or references, as this can restrict personal artistic expression.
Knowledge about nature is irrelevant to art, as the representation of animals in drawings should be based exclusively on abstract and symbolic styles.

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