
Project: Simulation of the Industrial Revolution



First Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution, which began in the 18th century in England, is one of the most significant events in human history. It marks a milestone where dramatic changes in technological, economic, social, and political areas led to the transformation of society's structure, from rural to urban areas, giving rise to industrial capitalism.

This transition from manual to mechanized processes brought enormous leaps in production efficiency, resulting in a population explosion and significant changes in living conditions. However, the revolution also brought about harsh working conditions, a growing disparity between the rich and the poor, and raised serious ethical and political issues.


The Industrial Revolution encompasses a set of changes in manufacturing processes that drove efficiency and increased production and profits, while managing to sustain a rapidly growing population. This period saw the creation of new technologies, such as the steam engine, the invention of the train, and the invention of the telegraph.

The Industrial Revolution not only transformed the economy and society but also had a profound effect on political life and international relations, stimulating imperialism and political revolutions. It raised questions that we are still struggling to understand and address - the relationship between labor and capital, workers' rights, wealth distribution, and the environmental impacts of industry.

Last but not least, the Industrial Revolution also marked the beginning of the era of science and technology as engines of progress. In many ways, we still live in the shadow of the Industrial Revolution to this day.

To acquire a complete understanding of this important event, students can consult the following resources:

  1. The Industrial Revolution in England - Mundo Educação
  2. Industrial Revolution - Brasil Escola
  3. Industrial Revolution - InfoEscola

Practical Activity: Simulation of the Industrial Revolution

Project Objective

The objective of this project is to bring the Industrial Revolution to life, allowing students to experience, discuss, and analyze the various aspects that this revolution encompasses: technological, economic, social, political, and ethical.

Project Description

Students will be divided into groups of 3 to 5 people. Each group will represent a factory during the Industrial Revolution, where they will have to simulate and discuss the following scenarios:

  1. Transition from artisanal production to mechanized production.
  2. Invention of machines that change people's lives (steam engine, train, telegraph).
  3. Social transformation resulting from changes in working conditions and wealth distribution.
  4. Making ethical and political decisions in the face of dilemmas arising from the revolution.
  5. Impact of science and technology on industry and society.

The project should have a total duration of 12 hours of work per student, with a total of 4 hours allocated for research and planning, 5 hours for execution, and 3 hours for report writing.

Required Materials

  1. Books and online resources about the Industrial Revolution.
  2. Materials for building models (cardboard, styrofoam, glue, paints, etc.).
  3. Materials for presentations/plays (if this type of presentation is chosen).

Step by Step

  1. Research: Each group should research each of the topics mentioned above. This research should be done together, but each student can be responsible for a specific topic.

  2. Planning: Students should plan together how they will present each scenario. They can create models, theatrical representations, PowerPoint presentations, videos, etc.

  3. Execution: Students should produce the presentations of each scenario according to the plan. It is important that all students participate in all stages.

  4. Report Writing: Together, students will write the report containing all the elements mentioned above (Introduction, Development, Conclusions, and Bibliography).

Project Deliverables

The project should result in:

  1. Presentations of the scenarios, demonstrating the students' understanding of the central topics of the Industrial Revolution in its various dimensions.

  2. A written report with:

    • Introduction: Students must contextualize the Industrial Revolution, its relevance and real-world application, and the project's objective.
    • Development: Students must discuss the theory behind the central topics of the Industrial Revolution, explain the activity in detail, indicate the methodology used, and present and discuss the results obtained.
    • Conclusions: Students must highlight their learnings, as well as reflect on the challenges and dilemmas that arose during the Industrial Revolution and today.
    • Bibliography: Students must list the sources of information used.

Both results (the presentations and the report) should be submitted for evaluation by the teacher and shared with the entire class for a learning exchange.

Iara Tip


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