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Lesson plan of Unifications in Europe: Italy and Germany


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Unifications in Europe: Italy and Germany

Lesson Plan | Teachy Methodology | Unifications in Europe: Italy and Germany

KeywordsItalian Unification, German Unification, Nation States, Historical Figures, 19th Century, European History, Digital Methodology, Active Learning, Digital Reality, Social Media, Gamification, Digital Storytelling, 360° Feedback, Critical Analysis, Teamwork
Required MaterialsCell phones or tablets with internet access, Computers or laptops, Gamification software (e.g., Kahoot!), Fictional social media platforms, Blogging tools (e.g., WordPress), Video platforms (e.g., YouTube), Projector and screen for presentations, Printed support material (if necessary)


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

The purpose of this stage is to provide students with a clear and objective view of the main concepts and historical events involving the Italian and German unifications, as well as to understand the changes in the organization of nation-states resulting from these processes.

Main Objectives

1. Characterize the processes of Italian and German unification.

2. Understand the organization of nation-states in Italy and Germany post-unification.

Side Objectives

  1. Relate the historical context of 19th century Europe to the unification events.
  2. Analyze the relevant historical figures and their roles in the unifications.


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

The purpose of this stage is to provide students with a clear and objective view of the main concepts and historical events involving the Italian and German unifications, as well as to understand the changes in the organization of nation-states resulting from these processes.

Warming Up

Explain to the students that during the 19th century, Europe underwent significant political and social transformations, notably the unification of Italy and Germany. These unifications shaped the configuration of modern Europe and influenced the organization of nation-states. Next, ask the students to use their cell phones to find an interesting fact about the Italian and German unifications. Let them briefly share their findings with the class to enrich the beginning of the lesson.

Initial Reflections

1. What were the main motivations for the unification of Italy and Germany?

2. Who were the most influential historical figures in these unification processes?

3. What were the main challenges faced during the unification of both countries?

4. How did the unification of Italy and Germany reorganize the nation-states?

5. What was the impact of the unifications on Europe and the world?


Duration: 70 - 80 minutes

The purpose of this stage is to provide students with a practical and engaging approach to explore the processes of Italian and German unification. By using modern technologies and connecting historical events to the current context, students will develop a deeper and critical understanding of the themes while honing their digital, communication, and teamwork skills.

Activity Suggestions

It is recommended that only one of the suggested activities be carried out

Activity 1 - Historical Influencers

> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes

- Objective: To provide a deep understanding of the individual roles in the Italian and German unifications, developing critical analysis and creativity skills.

- Description: Students will simulate the creation of digital influencer profiles representing key historical figures in the unifications of Italy and Germany. They will use fictional social media to post content that these figures would publish, considering their views and actions during the unification processes.

- Instructions:

  • Divide the class into groups of up to 5 students.

  • Each group should choose a significant historical figure in the Italian or German unifications (e.g., Otto von Bismarck, Giuseppe Garibaldi).

  • Using their cell phones and internet access, students will create fictional profiles on a social media platform, as if these figures were alive today and were using these networks to promote their ideas.

  • Students must create at least 3 posts per historical figure, including images, texts, and hashtags.

  • The groups must present their posts to the class, explaining the context of each publication and how it relates to the actions and thoughts of the chosen historical figure.

  • Finally, the groups discuss the differences and similarities between historical figures and how their actions influenced the unification processes.

Activity 2 - Gamification: European Conquerors

> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes

- Objective: To develop a strategic and collaborative understanding of historical processes, encouraging teamwork and critical reasoning.

- Description: Students will be divided into groups and participate in a digital board game, where each group represents an Italian or German state before unification. By gaining points through historical challenges, the objective is to achieve the unification of their own state.

- Instructions:

  • Divide the class into groups of up to 5 students.

  • Each group represents an Italian or German state before the respective unifications.

  • Using gamification software like Kahoot! or a similar platform, create a digital board with historical questions and challenges.

  • Each group must answer questions about the historical context, important figures, and key events of the Italian and German unifications to advance on the board.

  • The challenges may include quizzes, riddles, and short enactments of historical events.

  • The goal is for each group to 'unify' its state, symbolizing the process and the steps necessary for unification.

  • At the end, discuss with the students which strategies were most effective and how these reflected the actual historical actions.

Activity 3 - Digital Storytelling: Diary of a Unifier

> Duration: 60 - 70 minutes

- Objective: To encourage empathy and creativity, helping students internalize the historical roles and events in a personal and engaging way.

- Description: Students will create narratives in the form of digital diaries, narrating key events of the Italian and German unifications from the perspective of a historical figure, using tools like blogs or videos.

- Instructions:

  • Divide the class into groups of up to 5 students.

  • Each group will choose a significant historical figure from the Italian or German unifications.

  • Using digital tools like blogs (WordPress) or video creation (YouTube), each group must create a fictional diary of that figure, narrating important events and challenges encountered during the unification process.

  • The diaries should include multimedia elements such as images, maps, and short videos to enrich the narrative.

  • Students should post their diaries on a class blog or share their videos on a video platform.

  • Each group will present their digital diary to the class, highlighting the events and decisions that were crucial for their country's unification.

  • After the presentations, the groups will discuss the reciprocal influences between Italy and Germany during their unification processes.


Duration: 20 - 25 minutes

Purpose: The purpose of this stage is to consolidate and reflect on the learning acquired during the class, promoting critical and constructive self-reflection. Through 360° feedback, students will be able to develop self-assessment skills and enhance their communication, collaboration, and empathy skills.

Group Discussion

Group Discussion: Promote a group discussion with all students. Start the discussion by asking each group to share their experiences, highlighting what they learned while conducting the activities and the main conclusions they reached. Use the following script to introduce the discussion:

  1. Introduction - 'Let's share what we learned today! Each group, please present a summary of your activities and main discoveries.'
  2. Reflection Questions - 'To help with the discussion, answer the following questions: What surprised you the most about the unifications of Italy and Germany? How do you think these historical events still influence Europe and the current world?'
  3. Conclusion - 'Let's reflect on the impact of these unifications in the historical context and the organization of the nation-states.'


1. What were the most surprising or unexpected aspects you discovered about the Italian and German unifications? 2. How do you think these historical events influence Europe and the current world? 3. What similarities and differences did you observe between the unification processes of Italy and Germany?

360° Feedback

360° Feedback: Instruct students to carry out a 360° feedback step, where each student must receive feedback from other group members they worked with. Guide the class to ensure that the feedback is constructive and respectful. Use these guidelines to help the class:

  1. Focus on strengths - Encourage students to acknowledge their colleagues' positive contributions.
  2. Be specific - Ask students to provide concrete examples of what was done well or could be improved.
  3. Maintain respect - Remind students that the goal of feedback is to help each other grow, so feedback should be given in a kind and respectful manner.


Duration: 10 - 15 minutes

Purpose: To consolidate learning in a light and engaging way, connecting historical events to the modern world and highlighting their practical relevance. This stage aims to ensure that students leave the class with a clear and applied understanding of the content, ready to carry this knowledge into their daily lives and future discussions.


️‍♂️ Historical Detectives! After our adventure through Europe's history, we saw that both the Italian and German unification were like assembling a giant puzzle, full of intrigues, battles, and many strategies! From Giuseppe Garibaldi sailing the seas of Italy to Otto von Bismarck unifying Germany with an iron hand. Each historical figure was like a superhero from movies, each with their power and cleverness, shaping the future of their countries!

World Connection

Connecting with the Current World! These unifications influence even today, especially in how nation-states are organized and the importance of unity and cooperation in times of globalization. Just as influencers on social networks impact the masses, these historical figures moved crowds and made decisions that shaped modern geopolitics. Understanding these processes helps us perceive how history shapes our current reality and how the decisions of the past resonate in the present and future.

Practical Application

Importance in Daily Life! Knowing the history of the Italian and German unifications teaches us about leadership, strategy, and the importance of fighting for an ideal. Moreover, these stories are excellent examples of how unity and cooperation can transform reality, providing valuable lessons not only for politics but also for our daily lives and social interactions.

Iara Tip


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