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book chapter of Absolute Monarchies


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Absolute Monarchies

Absolute Power: Absolutist Monarchies 

Entering the Discovery Portal

Imagine living in a time when a single person has absolute power to decide everything in a country. A place where the king doesn't need to ask anyone's opinion to decree laws, taxes, and even declare wars. Yes, this really happened during the times of Absolutist Monarchies in Europe! To give you a concrete example, let me share a famous phrase from King Louis XIV of France: 'L'État, c'est moi,' which means 'I am the state.' Can you believe it? His power was so great that he compared himself to the state itself! 

Quizz: What if one of your favorite influencers on social media had absolute power over a country? How do you think they would govern? Would they do a good job or would it be a total disaster? 樂

Exploring the Surface

Absolutist Monarchies were a form of government that stood out in Europe between the Middle Ages and Modernity. In this type of monarchy, power was highly centralized in the figure of the king, who had supreme authority and did not need to answer to other organs or institutions. The absolutist king could make and unmake laws, command the army, control finances, and make political decisions without consulting anyone. Imagine the impact of this in a society where every little decision could radically change the fate of a country!

During this period, several factors contributed to the rise of Absolutist Monarchies. The political fragmentation of the Middle Ages, with its feudal system, began to be seen as ineffective in dealing with the new economic and social demands of the time. Additionally, the mercantile expansion and overseas discoveries brought new wealth to European states, which favored the concentration of power in the hands of monarchs. These kings often justified their absolute power with the idea of 'divine right,' asserting that their right to rule came directly from God.

With centralized power, these monarchs promoted several significant changes in their countries. They implemented reforms that modernized the army, centralized administration, and, in many cases, even sponsored the flourishing of arts and culture. However, this absolute power also brought many challenges and conflicts, including popular revolts and wars between nations. By studying this fascinating era, we can better understand the roots of many contemporary political systems and reflect on the consequences of concentrating so much power in a single individual.

What on Earth is an Absolutist Monarchy? 

Okay, folks, let's start with the basics: what is an Absolutist Monarchy? Imagine playing an RPG where one character has all the possible powers. He is practically invincible, knows all the spells, and even controls all the other characters. That's the king in an Absolutist Monarchy! The king's power was so extraordinary that he didn't even need to listen to advisers, nobles, or anyone trying to make a suggestion. If the king wanted to turn all the kingdom's bathrooms into shark aquariums, no one could question it (though in retrospect, that wasn't a brilliant idea).

So why was this model of government considered a 'good idea' back then? Well, the Middle Ages were a period of much political fragmentation, where each region had its own ruler (and sometimes its own language, currency, ways of making pudding, etc.). So, centralizing power in a single individual had an appeal for simplification. Imagine negotiating with 50 little kings to get a discount on wheat? A bit complicated, right? Additionally, the economy was growing, and, oops, with more money circulating, kingdoms needed a system of government that ensured economic and political control, preferably all in the hands of a single 'boss.'

And do you think the kings got all these powers just because they woke up one day and thought 'today I will dominate everything'? No, no. They usually justified their power by claiming it came directly from God: the infamous 'divine right of kings'. Translation: 'God said I rule, and that's final!'. This gave the king a blank check to do basically anything, from crazy taxes to building extravagant palaces.

Proposed Activity: King or Queen for a Day! 

Now, imagine that you are an absolutist king or queen. Write down three crazy decisions you would make if you had absolute power over your country. Share them in the class WhatsApp group to see what your classmates think of your ideas. Who knows, one of them might become a trend in the future, huh?

The Role of the King: Everything in My Hands! ️

In an Absolutist Monarchy, if something important was happening, you could bet the king had a hand in it. And no, he wasn't just sitting on a throne eating grapes all day. The king had a tough job (not to mention the back pain from sitting in that golden chair). He controlled everything: made the laws, commanded the army, decided the taxes, and when he was inspired, even influenced the kingdom's fashion. If he wanted, he could decree that everyone wore royal pajamas on Mondays, and poof, everyone would obey.

Moreover, the king also controlled the kingdom's administration. He had a group of officials (no, they weren't robots or AI) to help him implement his policies. These officials, usually called ministers, were responsible for specific areas like economy, war, and justice. But of course, the final word was always the king's, which kept his absolute power intact.

The absolutist king also played an important role in influencing religion. He not only saw himself as chosen by God, but often decided religious matters in the country. This obviously created conflicts with the church, but since he had absolute power, guess who generally won these disputes? This blend of politics and religion helped reinforce his authority and keep the population under control, more or less like the king was a medieval version of an 'influencer.'

Proposed Activity: My Day as a King or Queen 

Think of a typical day in your life and write a schedule of how your day would look if you were an absolutist king. From breakfast to major government decisions. Post your routine in the class forum and see who would be the busiest or laziest king or queen.

I, The Invincible!  The Rise of Absolutist Kings

But how did these kings get their shiny crowns and all this power? First, they needed to end the feudal system. Feudalism, which was basically a multitasking scheme in reverse (where each noble managed a little piece of land), was leaving Europe more fragmented than a thousand-piece puzzle. So, the kings had to convince the nobles to share a bit of that power, and like any good deal, it involved some incentives (i.e., promises and sometimes a few threats).

Another strategy was the creation of national armies. Can you believe that before this, each noble had their own mini-army? Imagine if each neighborhood in your city had its own soccer team playing at the same time with no clear rules. Chaos! The kings centralized command, and with a national army, they became more powerful than ever. They no longer had to beg the nobles to get troops in case of war or rebellion. It was just call your 'private army' and solve problems in style.

And of course, there was the economic factor. The opening of great sea routes and mercantilism filled the coffers of the kingdoms. With all this new money, kings could build palaces, create infrastructures, and naturally, please the nobles and the bourgeoisie. After all, who doesn't like to receive a valuable gift from time to time? And thus, the kings won hearts, minds, and most importantly, a lot of financial power!

Proposed Activity: Convincing Nobles 

Imagine that you are in the 16th century and need to convince the nobles to support your reign. Write a letter persuading them to accept your absolute power, using the arguments we just learned. Publish this letter in the class forum and see who could be the most persuasive king or queen.

The Benefits and Dangers of Absolute Power ⛅⚡

Having absolute power seems like a great deal, right? But like in any good superhero movie, great power comes with great responsibility. Absolutist kings could do great things, like modernizing their nations and promoting art and culture. Louis XIV, the 'Sun King', for example, transformed France into a powerful and modern cultural center. He sponsored artists, musicians, and writers, making his reign famous for luxury and splendor. It was practically the 'Oscar' of governance, only in solid gold.

On the other hand, this absolute power also had a dark side (we're not talking about Luke Skywalker here, but the metaphor fits). Absolutist kings could be quite stubborn and often made disastrous decisions without listening to their advisers. This generated internal conflicts and rebellions. In some cases, like the French Revolution, the population tired of so much authoritarianism decided it was better to cut off the monarch's head – literally. Yeah, being king wasn't always synonymous with living 'happily ever after.'

Thus, absolute power could either build prosperous nations or lead them to total chaos. Ultimately, the falls of Absolutist Monarchies paved the way for new, more democratic forms of government, where power was divided, and public opinion finally mattered (though often with a good dose of shouting and protests). Therefore, studying these monarchies is very important to understand how power can be used for the common good – or for megalomaniac antics anticipating judgment day.

Proposed Activity: Absolutist Comics ✒️

Create a three-panel comic showing a situation where the absolute power of a king leads to an unexpected consequence – it can be comedic or tragic! Use your creativity and share your masterpiece in the class WhatsApp group.

Creative Studio

Absolute kings ruled their lands, With divine power, they asked no commands. Fragmented fiefs, convinced nobility, Private armies, acquired prosperity.

Louis XIV, in great splendor, France shone, his will the main engine. But solitary decisions bring dangers near, Revolts arise, and the end is an adverse career.

We learned from the highs and lows of power, That sharing decisions can truly empower. From luxury to falls, the lesson is clear: Balance sustains, excess brings fear.


  • Absolute power can bring both the development and the decline of a nation. How to balance authority and responsibility to govern fairly?
  • Absolutist kings used the concept of 'divine right' to justify their actions. Do we still see leaders justifying their decisions on equally questionable grounds today?
  • By analyzing absolutist monarchies, we see the importance of hearing diverse voices in political decisions. How can we apply this in our daily lives and in our community?
  • The extreme centralization of power can lead to revolts and conflicts. What are the advantages and disadvantages of centralized leadership versus a participatory democratic system?
  • Finally, the study of absolutist monarchies helps us reflect on our own political system. What lessons from the past can be applied to improve modern governance?

Your Turn...

Reflection Journal

Write and share with your class three of your own reflections on the topic.


Create a mind map on the topic studied and share it with your class.


 Congratulations on making it this far! You now have a much deeper understanding of Absolutist Monarchies and how they shaped Europe between the Middle Ages and Modernity. The centralized power of absolutist kings, as we saw, brought both benefits and challenges. We learned about the rise of these kings, the justifications for their absolute power, and the consequences of their decisions. Reflecting on these historical points helps us better understand the structures of power and governance today.

✨ To be super prepared for our Active Class, I recommend you review the activities and reflections done so far. Consider how you can apply what you learned in the practical activities we proposed, like creating a social media profile for a monarch or simulating an absolutist monarchy in a game. This will help you consolidate your knowledge and get ready to lead discussions and develop projects during class. So, review your notes, participate in the suggested activities, and come fully prepared for our next class! 

Iara Tip


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