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book chapter of MERCOSUR: Characteristics and Members


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MERCOSUR: Characteristics and Members

Unveiling MERCOSUR: Integration and Impacts

Have you ever stopped to think how trade exchanges between countries can directly influence your daily life? MERCOSUR, one of the largest economic alliances in the world, not only reduces import tariffs but also affects the availability and price of products you find in the market. For example, imagine that Argentina, one of the members, decides to increase tariffs on the import of electronics. This could directly impact the cost of smartphones and televisions here in Brazil, which is one of the largest trade partners of the neighboring country.

Quizz: How do you think the trade decisions made within MERCOSUR can affect not only the economy but also the lives of people in different member countries?

MERCOSUR, Southern Common Market, was created in 1991 to promote economic integration among member countries, initially Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. Since then, the organization has expanded its activities to include various trade agreements, integration policies, and cooperation in areas such as education, culture, and science. The importance of MERCOSUR is not limited to economic aspects but also includes political and social influences, shaping decisions that mold the geopolitical landscape of South America. With the accession of associate countries like Bolivia and Chile, MERCOSUR consolidates as a significant player in international relations. This chapter will explore the structure and operation of MERCOSUR, the challenges it faces, and the impacts of its policies on member countries and the global scene. By understanding these aspects, students will be able to debate and critically analyze the implications of the economic bloc, preparing for a more informed and engaged participation in discussions about international relations and regional integration.

Structure and Operation of MERCOSUR

MERCOSUR, as an economic bloc, is based on four main pillars: the common market, customs union, common foreign policy, and coordination of macroeconomic policies. These pillars are essential for economic integration, allowing the free movement of goods, services, and productive factors among member countries. Additionally, the customs union establishes a common external tariff, harmonizing the bloc's trade relations with the rest of the world.

The institutional structure of MERCOSUR consists of decision-making, advisory, and technical bodies that together form a complex governance system. The Common Market Council (CMC) is the main decision-making body, composed of the ministers of foreign relations and economy of the member countries. It defines the general policies of the bloc and guides the actions of other bodies, such as the MERCOSUR Trade Commission and the MERCOSUR Parliament.

However, despite the robust structure, MERCOSUR faces significant challenges, such as economic asymmetries among members and difficulties in implementing agreements. The coordination of macroeconomic policies is also a sensitive point, as the harmonization of fiscal and monetary policies is essential for the proper functioning of the common market. These challenges often generate tensions and require continuous negotiations to maintain the cohesion and effectiveness of the bloc.

Proposed Activity: Exploring the Governance of MERCOSUR

Research and write a brief report on one of the MERCOSUR bodies, such as the Common Market Council or the MERCOSUR Trade Commission. Discuss the role of this body in the implementation of policies and in resolving conflicts within the bloc.

Economic Impacts of MERCOSUR

The creation of MERCOSUR had a substantial impact on the economies of the member countries, promoting the growth of intra-bloc trade. The reduction of tariffs and the elimination of non-tariff barriers facilitated access to new markets and stimulated the production and export of goods and services. This led to a significant increase in the GDP of member countries and the growth of employment in sectors benefiting from regional integration.

In addition to direct economic benefits, MERCOSUR has also promoted the transfer of technology and knowledge among member countries, favoring innovation and competitiveness. For instance, Argentina and Brazil have become important centers for automobile production due to joint investments and cooperation agreements in the sector.

However, the impacts of MERCOSUR are not uniform among member countries. Economic asymmetries, such as differences in industrial development and productive structure, can result in disproportionate gains for some members while others face challenges in adapting to regional competitiveness. Therefore, it is crucial for the bloc to continue implementing policies aimed at reducing these disparities and promoting more balanced development.

Proposed Activity: Focusing on Sectors

Analyze a specific sector of the economy of a MERCOSUR member country and discuss how integration in the bloc has affected this sector. Consider factors such as exports, competitiveness, and technology.

Challenges and Future Trends

MERCOSUR faces a series of challenges that could impact its sustainability and relevance in the future. One of the main challenges is the need to deepen integration, especially in the fields of coordination of macroeconomic policies and regulatory harmonization. These aspects are crucial for the efficiency of the common market and to ensure that all member countries benefit equitably.

Another significant challenge is the negotiation of external trade agreements. MERCOSUR has been actively seeking agreements with other economic blocs and countries to increase its international trade opportunities. However, negotiations are complex and often face resistance from protected sectors in member countries, which can delay or compromise agreements.

In addition to the challenges, there are also trends that may influence the future of MERCOSUR. The growing digitalization of the economy, for example, offers new opportunities for integration but also presents challenges in terms of regulation and data protection. The bloc will need to pay attention to these trends and be proactive in adapting its policies to ensure long-term competitiveness and economic sustainability.

Proposed Activity: Debating the Future of MERCOSUR

Organize a group debate on one of the challenges of MERCOSUR, such as regulatory harmonization. Each group should defend a perspective (pros or cons) and present arguments based on research.

Social and Political Impacts of MERCOSUR

In addition to economic impacts, MERCOSUR also significantly influences the social and political dynamics of member countries. Economic integration promotes greater interconnectedness among societies, facilitating cultural and academic exchanges and strengthening ties of solidarity and cooperation.

In the political realm, the joint action of member countries in international forums strengthens the voice of South America and allows for a more cohesive position on security and human rights issues. For example, MERCOSUR has advocated for the peaceful resolution of conflicts in the region, as well as promoting democracy and respect for human rights.

However, integration can also generate challenges, such as the need to harmonize legislation and social policies, which is not always an easy task due to differences in development and priorities among member countries. Furthermore, some sectors of society may feel threatened by economic openness, leading to resistance and requiring continuous and inclusive dialogue to mitigate conflicts and promote more equitable social integration.

Proposed Activity: Social and Political Panel of MERCOSUR

Create an informational panel discussing the social and political impacts of MERCOSUR in a member country of your choice. Include aspects such as culture, education, and human rights.


  • Structure and Operation of MERCOSUR: MERCOSUR is based on four main pillars (common market, customs union, common foreign policy, and coordination of macroeconomic policies) that are essential for economic integration.
  • Economic Impacts: The reduction of tariffs and the elimination of non-tariff barriers have stimulated intra-bloc trade, significantly increasing GDP and employment in member countries.
  • Challenges and Future Trends: MERCOSUR faces challenges such as the need to deepen integration and regulatory harmonization, and it is attentive to trends like the digitalization of the economy.
  • Social and Political Impacts: Integration promotes cultural exchanges and strengthens political cooperation but also creates challenges in legislative and social harmonization.
  • MERCOSUR Bodies: Various bodies, such as the Common Market Council and the MERCOSUR Trade Commission, play decisive roles in the implementation of policies and in the resolution of conflicts within the bloc.
  • Specific Sectors: MERCOSUR integration affects different economic sectors in varied ways, influencing exports, competitiveness, and technology.


  • How can decisions made within MERCOSUR impact the lives of ordinary citizens, beyond influencing the economy?
  • How can the harmonization of macroeconomic and regulatory policies promote more balanced development among member countries?
  • What is the role of external trade agreements in the future sustainability and relevance of MERCOSUR?
  • How does the digitalization of the economy affect MERCOSUR's integration strategies and what challenges does this present?

Assessing Your Understanding

  • Conduct a simulated debate in class, where each group represents a MERCOSUR member country discussing the implementation of a new economic policy within the bloc.
  • Develop a group research project to explore the impacts of MERCOSUR integration on a specific sector of a member country, such as the technology or agribusiness industry.
  • Create an online forum to discuss the future trends of MERCOSUR, inviting experts in economics and international relations to participate in discussions.
  • Organize an exhibition at school presenting the benefits and challenges of MERCOSUR, including economic, social, and political aspects.
  • Propose the development of a manifesto by students expressing their opinions on the future of MERCOSUR and presenting suggestions to strengthen integration and reduce inequalities.


Throughout this chapter, we explored MERCOSUR in depth, from its structure and operation to the economic, social, and political impacts that this economic alliance brings to its member countries. Understanding MERCOSUR is not only a matter of knowing about economics and international politics but also recognizing how decisions made within the realm of integration can directly affect people's lives and the dynamic of development in a region. Now, as you prepare for the Active Class, it is crucial that you review the concepts discussed and think about how they apply in real situations of negotiation and cooperation. Prior study and active participation in discussions and simulations are essential to solidify learning and develop critical analysis and argumentation skills. I encourage each of you to bring your perspectives and questions to the room, as it is through dialogue and the exchange of ideas that we expand our understanding of complex topics such as MERCOSUR.

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