Plan your semester in just 5 minutes
5 teaching methodologies
Different teaching methodologies to choose from
Over 500k questions with rubrics
Original and unique questions
SAT and other exam preparation questions
Automatic grading of essay and multiple-choice questions
Snap a photo of the test, and Teachy will grade it for you!
Teachers are always in control of the grades
Over 50 tools
Lesson Plan generator
+20 tools
Over 450,000 materials
Ready-to-use slides
Lecture notes
Personalized report card with AI
Reinforcement with just one click
Effortlessly deliver more personalized teaching
I have a wonderful experience with Teachy; it makes my work much easier, speeds things up, and is very user-friendly.
Teachy helped me prepare various materials for other subjects with activity suggestions and to complement teachers' work!
Teachy came at a time when I was adapting to new study routines, and it contributed to this process, making classes more engaging and dynamic. Grateful.
I loved your platform; the technology is amazing and everything is in one place!
Teachy helps me develop more comprehensive educational projects and its virtual classrooms allow me to level students and create a ranking of skills and competencies!
I was very busy with many students, almost without time to plan activities and assessments. With Teachy, I managed to plan lessons faster and with AI, make them more fun.
I used the AI tools to create a new activity, and there was an improvement in learning and my teaching practice. With Teachy, I create high-quality, diverse, and engaging materials for all students.
Having access to a lesson plan makes my life much easier, and the access to the database with videos and other materials saves me a lot of time.
The ease, quality, and speed of the materials produced by Teachy helped me a lot at the end of 2023.
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